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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

My Stomach and H.Pylori story

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Re: My Stomach and H.Pylori story

Post by Hibou84 »

power1 wrote:
Tue Jun 26, 2018 9:06 am
hi Hibou84,

I had h.pylori in 2012, gone through 3 wild treatments of specialist guessing game.
Done some alternative medication on myself.
Create a bad burning sensation end of the day, ....made my specialist prescribed me the 1st line treatment, and somewhat did 3 UBT to confirm if I had H.pylori under controlled in late 2015.

Fast forward...

my stomach did become sensitive.

As for UBT, I suggest getting it with value results , that indicated whether it is borderline or way undetected level. Help manage your decision.

For me, there is a term of "under controlled" or "infested".

Also, your body do change when H.pylori is out of the game.
a) There is a time your body start adjusting due to the damage done...some take months, some take years...
b) Food allergies might happen
c) Normal bouts of constipation , diarrhea could occur but one needs to check if that is still normal
d) FD occurs, at least for me on certain days.
e) your lifestyle and emotions might change...

Hope I help a little here.
When you say your stomach is sensitive do you get gastritis symptoms? For me it is like H.Pylori infection symptoms with no infection.

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Re: My Stomach and H.Pylori story

Post by Helico_expert »

Because you had H. pylori before, and now eradicated. so your stomach sensitivity will change. it'll take time for your stomach to adjust itself after a long period of infection.

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Re: My Stomach and H.Pylori story

Post by power1 »

Hibou84 wrote:
Tue Jun 26, 2018 10:52 pm

When you say your stomach is sensitive do you get gastritis symptoms? For me it is like H.Pylori infection symptoms with no infection.
I had symptoms, but when I got the next endoscopy done with biopsy, I had chronic gastritis ( burning sensation just above the navel), but it did not seem to be "active".

I probably have obvious polyps linings (small bumps) that was shown for my Gastro to biopsy. Along with epitelium changes to metaplasia. Which the wounds in your hand that heals, leaving a layer of skin tag. Hopefully never to be malignant.

So, for your case...clear your infection, and hopefully you do not need to bear similar experience that i did.

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Re: My Stomach and H.Pylori story

Post by Hibou84 »

Hi, I am having an endoscopy this weekend and I realize from my research that I could actually have autoimmune atrophic gastritis. I have vitiligo and hashimoto and I am wondering what are my chances to have autoimmune atrophic gastritis with this other autoimmune conditions?

I have had a B12 and Iron checked a few months ago and everything has been fined. However, I would be interested to know which test I should have done to know for sure if I have or not autoimmune atrophic gastritis and if I am diagnosed with this conditions, what are the recommended follow up and treatment to minimize the chances of gastric cancer. Would an annual endoscopy by sufficient to catch a cancer on time? Would a stomach removal be appropriate? I am 34 years old and I want to make I take the right decision if this is what is cause my stomach issues. Finally, can an H.Plyori infection induce Autoimmune atrophic gastritis.

Many thanks @helico_expert for your help. I look forward to hearing from you.

Hibou 84.

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Re: My Stomach and H.Pylori story

Post by Helico_expert »

having stomach remove will be the last resort. hopefully that will not happen.

34 year old is very young. the chance is very low. usually gastric cancer happen after 50 yr old.

I think it is not helpful to think of the worst case scenario, because your are young and you have not even done an endoscopy examination yet.

Just follow the protocol. Get H. pylori checked. If positive, get it eradicated by antibiotics.

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