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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

My advices for the after H.pylori treatment

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My advices for the after H.pylori treatment

Post by shid0x »

Hello everyone, this is my first post so feel free to move it if its not on the right section.
So i've been infected by helicobacter too and it caused chronic gastritis in my case, i've been through so many phases during all of this that i felt like i should have written somewhere what i found useful in case someone has the same.

First of i'm gonna describe how it went for me and then my advices.

First of all here is my medical condition ( if you want to relate )
-24 yo male
-Ok physical condition
-Never had weird disease beside appendicitis
- Heart rate around 60-75
-Never really had digestive problems ( beside one acidity peak like a year ago, which was quickly healed )
-Live in western europe ( France ) and Thailand

What helicobacter caused :
-Chronic gastritis
-stomach pain
- ( Intestine pain ( burn ) ) <= This happened after treatment

How i was treated

Clarithromycin ( 2x a day 10 days )
amoxicillin ( 2x a day 10 days )
Lansoprazole ( 2x time a day - 4 weeks )

So basically i have been feeling pain in my stomach and burning intestine for like 4 month but i did not think much of it, i thought this would go away and i continued my life as usual since i didn't have any symptom beside the pain ( and sometimes i had days where i was just fine ). At one point i went to see the doc and he gave me antispasmodic which didn't do jack shit. I waited another month and went again and i was told that i had a gastritis ( i didn't believe a gastritis could last like 4 month like that so i asked my doc a breath test for H.pilory (had searched around the internet for my symptoms before ) and he gave it to me along with blood test, stool test and ultrasound ).

Results came back : 60 units INFECTED ( blood test, stool and ultrasound said everything was fine )

You have no clues how happy i was at first since i was now sure that it wasn't like cancer or anything ( i was really scared ).
I thought that i would completely be heal in like 7 days...How foolish was I. How foolish could i have been to think something that hurt me for 4 months would heal in a few days....
Also i should mention that for a year i had pain at the right side of my belly button if i ate a lot of fats and moved just after ( dunno if its related, could be the beginning of the infection ). So potentially i could have got Helicobacter for much longer that anticipated ( and of course more damage than predicted ).

The first few day of the treatment were awesome ! I felt relieved, having a light mind and such.
4 days in, pain comes back at full force, diarrhea ensues...I'm lost ? Weren't antibiotic supposed to heal me ? What the fuck is happening ?
After a few research i found out that it was side effects of antibiotics, ok well.
10 Days in : No more diarrhea, pain is lessen but still there, nothing is better overall.
11 Days in : Notice a new symptoms = Intestine pain ( burning ), great now it burns everywhere lol, i'm screwed ( mental lowers )
I then went on a family vacation where i was very careful about what i ate and i was not stressed. Overall pain is lessen but a weird symptoms is the fact that my intestine and stomach burn when i drank water on an empty stomach.

21 Days in ; decide that i'm gonna stop anti acid early, i don't know why but i felt this was fucking me up ( so took anti acid for 3 weeks )
Symptoms : Stomach pain : Lessen but still there, Intestine ; Still there

23 days in : Felt better for 2 days now having heartburn for the FIRST TIME in my life. I was scared, such thing never happened before.
Well i'm still technically in treatment so i'm waiting and being careful.

4 Weeks in (end of the treatment )
Stomach pain : Lessened but somehow burn, intestine : still there very annoying heartburn : mostly gone.
I went to the doc and explained my symptoms, he thought nothing of it and told me stomach is long to heal.

From there i understood things.
The treatment eradicated helicobacter indeed but :

-It fucked up my acid secretion thanks to anti acid daily
-It fucked all the bacteria in my stomach and my intestine.
-It increased the stress levels in my body a lot ( when will i heal ? will i ever be fine again ? I'm going to thailand in a month will i be fine ?... so many questions)

Everything was lining up quite well :
The anti acid ( PPI ) fucked how the usual acid secretion of my body, hence causing heartburn at first and then stomach burn (there was not enough mucus to protect it )
The antibiotics killed everything in my stomach AND intestine, causing me to have burning feeling in it and feeling uneasy.
The stress was something that generated acid in my stomach, which would hurt ( because i stressed when i was not eating ).

The combination of those 3 make my guts a living hell for about a week.
And then I decided to take ACTION, i had ENOUGH of this shit, i had enough of those useless doctor ( hurr durr just wait ) FUCK YOU !

So i've looked around the internet and tried a lot of thing myself.
Here is a summary of what worked for me and how long it took to feel better.

1. Not stressing or feeling anxious anymore.
This one can be a bit hard but its like the most important factor, as long as you will feel this way the pain will worsen and you will not heal.
Think positive, see your friends, do yoga, have some walks, watch the stars, occupy your mind.
NEVER think about the pain, NEVER be anxious.
This will result in less acid in the stomach, meaning less pain and more time for your cells to heal.

2.Have good night sleeps !
9 hours a day if you can, sleeping is very important as it is when you heal.

3.WALK !
I don't suggest doing sport while you are healing, because it can shake your insides and generate even more acid ( a lot of athletes actually have heartburn because of sports )
But walking is ok and is actually evry healthy for intestine and stomach (look it up )
Walk about 1h30 - 2 hours a day.

This one is obvious but don't eat too much meat, or too much acidic food ( eat normal meals tho ).

Listen i know doing a coke line is coke is cool sometimes but it also is very bad for your stomach and intestine so DO NEVER DO IT. NEVER. at least until you're fine again ;)

6. Bananas, avocados, olives.
Those 3 are your key to success.
Banana for desert, helps your lining and lower acidity, avocados have the vitamins your stomach needs and olives are very good too.

7. olive oil
Olive oil is extremely good for your stomach, it can even cure ulcer by itself if they're not cause by helicobacter.
It is good for gastritis and ulcers and your heart and pretty much everything.
Take a spoon in the morning and in the evening.

DGL is basically licorice without the factor that cause your tension to up.
It is recognized worldwide and for more than 2000 years as something that heal stomach lining and dextox the colon and intestine.
2x gellules or gum 20 minutes before a meal.

9.Aloe Vera
Also recognized worldwide for it benefits against pretty much all infections, it will help against heartburn and healing of stomach & intestine (cicatrization)

10. Vitamins and probiotics
Vitamins are necessary to help your system heal by itself, since it will use a lot of resource to heal the current gastritis or ulcer you will need to provide a bit more than usual (especially B12 and C D K )
It would be nice of those vitamins could contain some magnesium too, as it would help against anxiety.

Probiotics will help repopulate your stomach and intestine for good bacteria. Look i don't care what a doctor might say but 10 days of antibiotic will kill your intestine, literally, you need to help it.

11. do not lean forward
Especially on the computer, in fact avoid the sitting position.
Your insides need to breath, to move and to "muscle" themselves (they actually do, look it up ) also being leaned forward moves the acid where it shouldn't be.

12. Drink water slowly and chew your food.
Drinking water like a mad man or fast is somthing you will learn to forget.
As drinking water fast will move the acid everywhere and result in pain, water goes everywhere in your cells , water takes acid with it and literally plunges in your gastritis so avoid it.

13. L-Glutamine
helps in healing the stomach and stopping condition you may have in the intestine ( mucus, pores and better digestion )

You can avoid Vitamins, probiotics or olive oil if you want but please only one or two or them, not the three.

How much time do i need to heal ?
I'm no doc neither GI specialist but i think it has something to do with how long you were infected.
If you were infected for a short while you don't have much damage so you should be fine in about 2 weeks after treatment.

For those like me who had it for 4 month of pain ( and probably a lot longer but without symptoms ) it will be longer. I know its sad, its a hassle, it is something you will despite for the rest of your life trust me.
In my case i started to feel a bit better a month after treatment and it went better and better, but overall 2 months were needed.
Also in this healing period you might have ups and downs, sometimes you will feel perfect ( in this case do not stop the routine, please STILL FOLLOW THE HEALTHY ROUTINE FOR AT LEAST 2 MORE WEEKS ) and sometimes you will feel worse.But the important thing is to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Basically a very bad way to estimate your healing time could be Time with pain = time needed to heal - something ( if you follow the routine )

:!: Do a breath test 2 weeks after you stopped to take PPI ( 85% of you should have get it out )
:!: If you experience any of these symptoms consult your doctor immediately : Fever,vomiting,diarrhea,blood in stool or in urine, pain behind your back ( kidneys ), heart pulse raised, pain around your anus that does not go away, mucus in stool or blood in stools because this can be sign of either cancer or kidney stone ( but don't freak out, it probably is not. only 1% of the people get that )

Be brave everyone and never lose hope the healing can be long and full of disappointment but never let your moral down, do not let the bug win.
You are stronger than it.
Last edited by shid0x on Wed Sep 09, 2015 12:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: My advices for the after H.pylori treatment

Post by Helico_expert »

thanks for sharing your valuable experience. I must say, there are some good advise in your post. eg. positive thoughts!

by the way, you did not mention if you have done a follow up breath test to confirm the eradication. can you share that result?

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Re: My advices for the after H.pylori treatment

Post by shid0x »

Helico_expert wrote:thanks for sharing your valuable experience. I must say, there are some good advise in your post. eg. positive thoughts!

by the way, you did not mention if you have done a follow up breath test to confirm the eradication. can you share that result?
I did the breath test 2 weeks after i stopped PPI and it came negative ( 2 Units, threshold was 4 )

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Re: My advices for the after H.pylori treatment

Post by Helico_expert »

Congratulation then! :)

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Re: My advices for the after H.pylori treatment

Post by shid0x »

I forgot to mention L-Glutamine.

It also helps in healing the stomach and stopping condition you may have in the intestine ( mucus, pores and better digestion )

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Re: My advices for the after H.pylori treatment

Post by AdvisorExpertH »

Hello, thank you for the great post, you were so smart to manage it.
Since, you never had any problem again ?
Thank you.

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Re: My advices for the after H.pylori treatment

Post by Alex311 »

Thank you so much for your inspiring post. It’s like reading my own story. I am 56 years old and never took one pill in my life until just recently. I own 3 gyms and was working out twice a day until I got tested positive with this H Pylori. Doctor was able to scare me enough to go on antibiotics and FUCK HIM for that. I don’t even know how I could agree to this. I am on my second treatment because first one didint work and I cannot eat anything because of antibiotics. My whole digestion is killed completely. This is my day 9 out 14 and I am stopping this shit before my wife who I odor with all my heart takes me to the cementery.

I started this treatment naturally but was impatient and made this huge mistake of my life. In the end chances treating h Pylori with antibiotics are very low these day because of its resistance.

Thank you for taking the time to post this wonderful story. I don’t feel alone anymore and will follow your advices. And I know I will win. It’s will be much harder now because of 2 rounds of antibiotics but I will be thinking about you and this will hold me in.

Thank you so much again and yes FUCK DOCTORS who prescribe chemicals without even trying to suggest a less damaging way to heal.

Cheers Alex

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Re: My advices for the after H.pylori treatment

Post by AdvisorExpertH »


Is it usual that antibiotics do not cure h pylori ?


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Re: My advices for the after H.pylori treatment

Post by Alex311 »

These days h Pylori bacteria is very smart and resistant to most antibiotics so the eradication is only 50% but killing your digestion is 100%. This is why so many people these days turn to natural treatment which will take longer but without killing your stomach.

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Re: My advices for the after H.pylori treatment

Post by Helico_expert »

Antibiotic is the only way proven to be able to eradicate H. pylori.

However, because antibiotic was abused widely and randomly, so the antibiotic resistance has become hard to predict.

No natural product has proven to be able to eradicate H. pylori.

However, I believe natural product can be used to balance the guts microbiome, like pre biotic.

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