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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Recurring helicobactor

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Recurring helicobactor

Post by Jaq »

Hi, I am a 48 year old female. I had a routine blood test last week and have been informed that I have shown up positive for helicobactor for the 3rd time. My first diagnosis approx 20 years ago was left untreated for about 10 years because I have allergies to Penicillian, Erythromycian, and Sulphonamides and I think it was just all too hard. I was eventually treated (not sure with what) and returned a negative breath test. In 2012 I returned a positive blood test and was again treated, this time... I think with Nexium, and metrogyl, the treatment both times was pretty tough going given that I am super sensitive to anti biotics. :mrgreen: Again I am about to start treatment with the same drugs. I had taken somac for quite a few years and more recently nizac for a pesky ulcer that used to give me heaps but only occasionally flares up now days. Why. Just why?

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Re: Recurring helicobactor

Post by Helico_expert »

first, i dont think blood test is a good diagnostic for h. pylori infection. your immune system always have some memory of the infection and will give a false positive test. The antibody can remain in your blood for years. So, I think to confirm your infection, I think you should repeat your breath test.

second, it's never a good idea to use the same antibiotic over and over again. Unless you have evidence that it's still sensitive to the same antibiotics.

so, back to your original question. how do you get reinfected? it's normally rare for adults to get reinfection unless you constantly share food/drinks or kissing with a symptomatic carrier, like your husband, partner and children. So, I would suggest you to get your whole family who live under the same roof to check with breath test.

in even rarer case, your pet can be the source of infection. if it is so, try avoid sharing food with your pets.

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