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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Positive Stool HpSA but Negative UBT??

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Positive Stool HpSA but Negative UBT??

Post by Klax79 »

Was ordered by my doc to a gut test as she suspected it was functionally poorly (I was having problem raising my FT3 levels with meds for my Thyroid problem, so she wanted to check if its due to poor absorption in the gut). Test came back with positive H Pylori antibodies from the stool sample, so she had me take a UBT to confirm (which came back negative). I was not on any antibiotics or meds (except for my Thyroid condition with the doc said was fine) 4 weeks prior to the UBT so it should not have given a "false-negative".

I do not have or suffer from any of the reported symptoms, so my doc concluded that I DO NOT have H Pylori since the UBT came back negative. She explained that the detected stool antibodies were probably due to an old infection (not active) since UBT did not detect any.

Is that correct??? I've been reading up a lot on H Pylori and I'm just confused with the Positive HpSA with Negative UBT results. I read that positive HpSA in stool means ACTIVE H Pylori, which is more accurate than Serum antibodies (which cannot differentiate between old or new infection). Which is true then, the HpSA or UBT?

Anyone can shed some light on this?

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Re: Positive Stool HpSA but Negative UBT??

Post by Helico_expert »

Both stool and breath test are consider very acurate. However, stool test, like HpSA, detect the antigen while breath test detect the broken down of urea. Review of HpSA suggest that it is very sensitive and rarely cross react with other helicobacter species which might be living in the intestine. Breath test is focus on the stomach, so will not detect any other helicobacter species down the intestine.

so you might ask, will other helicobacter species cause problem? the answer is unlikely. So far, these other Helicobacter species only reported causing problem among the immuno compromised people.

In your case, I trust the breath test result. However, there is no harm getting another test a month later to be sure. The accuracy of the test do sometimes rely on who is actually doing the test and the actual data. eg. how negative is your negative breath test and how positive is your positive stool test.

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Re: Positive Stool HpSA but Negative UBT??

Post by aspirant »

Ask your doctor to Refer to a gastroenterology doc who will conduct the test and analyse.

According to me if you are found positive on H Pylori antibodies in blood or stool or breath test any one. You should receive the triple therapy. I should not be ignored.


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