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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

URGENT - Diabact UBT

There are several types of tests for H.pylori. The major ones have a their own forum.

Moderators: barjammar, Toni

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URGENT - Diabact UBT

Post by AlSi79 »

Dear experts,

I just returned from the laboratory from my follow-up test. I was tested by using Diabact UBT-test kit:

I am worried because the nurse only gave me a half glass of water instead of full glass of water. I swallowed the tablet but since I only gor so little water I could taste the tablet in my mouth (it was a bitter taste). I asked more water but she said no. Now, I am worried that the test will be anyway positive since I had this bitter taste in my mouth. I didn´t bite the tablet but does this mean that the tablet dissolved in my mouth because I had this taste in my mouth?

When I was tested and diagnosed in March I didn´t have this taste in my mouth and the offered a full glass of water. Did the test fail?

Please, please answer quickly - In Finland we use this test kit in all laboratories no 14C-UBT available...

Thank you!

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Re: URGENT - Diabact UBT

Post by Helico_expert »

i am not familiar with this brand. However, the principle is the same. If you drink too much water, the pill may get wash right into your intestine and miss the stomach. So the person who is guiding you should understand how much water to drink. Here, where we do C14 breath test, we only give patients 30 ml of water.

Nevertheless, what is the result of your breath test? if it is extremely low or extremely high, then the result is trust worthy. If you get a borderline result, then you may want to repeat the test again in a few weeks time.

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Re: URGENT - Diabact UBT

Post by AlSi79 »


So my test game back as negative. The cut-off value for negative result that this laboratory use is below 4. My result was 0,14. Does this stand for a "clear" negative as you see it? I asked from the lab and received an answer that this is a typical negative result. Do you agree?

Thank you!

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Re: URGENT - Diabact UBT

Post by Helico_expert »

yup. looks super negative to me.


how long ago did you stop the antibiotic treatment? knowing that you do not carry H. pylori now, do you feel your gastric symptoms subsided?

Do you live with anyone that can be a potential carrier to give it back to you?

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Re: URGENT - Diabact UBT

Post by AlSi79 »

Thank you for the reply!

I stopped the treatment on March 17, 6 weeks + 6 days before the test. It was also 15 days from my last dose of PPI (which I took for 3 days during NSAID use).

My stomach is much better now but I try to avoid certain food that can irritate the stomach (coffee, chocolate, spicy food) since I have chronic gastritis (inactive). My husband was treated after me in April and our kids were negative. In the Nordics we don´t usually share food etc. but I will try to be extra careful before my husband has tested negative as well. Do you think that I should avoid kissing as well before we know if he is clear or not? I couldn´t find any official recommendation on this.

Thank you once again!

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Re: URGENT - Diabact UBT

Post by Helico_expert »


of course, the exchange of saliva is the key of spreading H. pylori, but keeping a healthy oral hygiene will dramatically reduce the spreading. I think it is fine to kiss as long as everyone has their teeth brushed.

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Re: URGENT - Diabact UBT

Post by AlSi79 »

Thank you!

Just out of my curiosity: Can you get re-infected from food (e.g meat)? Or does the infection occur if the food is washed with dirty water or handled with dirty hands - not the food itself? For example what is the risk to be re-infected if I eat in a restaurant?

Do you consider it a real risk or is it more probable to get it with close and direct contact with someone infected?


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Re: URGENT - Diabact UBT

Post by Helico_expert »

H. pylori survive poorly outside human body. In addition, it's sensitive to oxygen, salt, spice, chili, and many more. So I think the chance of catching H. pylori from cook food and water is going to be rare. I believe H. pylori can only be transmitted within close contact.

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Re: URGENT - Diabact UBT

Post by WilliamThompson »

You're right! H. pylori does a poor job of surviving Pokemon Infinite Fusion outside the human body. Here's a breakdown of why contaminated food and water isn't a common transmission route:

Sensitive to harsh conditions: H. pylori is very sensitive to stomach acid, salt, spices, and drying out. These factors in cooked food would likely kill the bacteria.
Chlorination: Municipal water supplies are treated with chlorine, which kills H. pylori.
Close contact is indeed a more likely way to contract H. pylori. Here's how it can spread:

Oral-oral route: Sharing utensils, kissing, or close contact with saliva can transmit the bacteria.
Fecal-oral route: Poor sanitation or hygiene practices, especially after using the restroom, can transfer the bacteria on hands to another person or food.
While less common, there's also a possibility of transmission through medical equipment if not properly sterilized between patients.

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