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Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

My results, all negative

There are several types of tests for H.pylori. The major ones have a their own forum.

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Posts: 51
Joined: Tue Feb 25, 2014 1:48 am

My results, all negative

Post by dioxnet »

H. pylori home test (blood) , negative (not fieable)
c-13 uerasa negative result 0.4 (range 0 - 2.5) 2.5 more positive serious.

stool analysis: no salmonella, no Shigella, no Yersinia, no Campylobacter, no mushrooms, no yeast,
not erythrocytes, leukocytes (not blood)

flora, gram negative dominance

I am now taking, coconut oil, probiotic L. reuteri, aloe vera, I am much better
I since taking turmeric, burning sensation in stomach, disappeared
I can only burping (very few) and flatulence (few) (gas problems I've always had)

the doctor told me that the most likely be my strees (anxiety fear)
my eating habits and fast (not as fast as) and taking caffeine, 4 coffees a day and 2 liters coke (not drink anything for 9 months), and is the third doctor, who tells me
a psychologist advised me, if I'm not the problem, the problem is around me

a curious thing, my son drank myself bottle (one my carelessness)
and began to eat more (always hungry even after eating), and belching and flatulence, this is very strange ..... or am I being paranoid ....


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Re: My results, all negative

Post by Helico_expert »

taking caffeine, 4 coffees a day and 2 liters coke (not drink anything for 9 months)
this sounds like a lot of sugar to me. You better watch your diet.

anyway, it's good to know everything is negative. at least you have those items out of your mind.

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Re: My results, all negative

Post by dioxnet »

I, zero sugar, coffee without sugar, bitter always :)
and coke zero. But I've been 9 months without tasting anything, just started now with green tea, all strees points, but it costs me think the strees can do this

only left to do gastroscopy, and tell you, but much still

one thing, curious, if tests have been negative, that since taking things
as L.reuteri and turmeric, they say and is proven to lower the burden of H.pylori
I feel better today so far, no symptoms and that it has been a very stressful day also, kids sticking. My wife diagnosed today (Premature ventricular contraction) but no symptoms
if I have H. pylori remedy works like me?

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Re: My results, all negative

Post by Helico_expert »

sorry, I have no idea if your remedy will work for other people. Nevertheless, watchout for the artificial sugar. I heard it increase your triglyceride for some reason.

Posts: 51
Joined: Tue Feb 25, 2014 1:48 am

Re: My results, all negative

Post by dioxnet »

and, if aspartame is very bad, because in my country is not prohibited :(

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