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Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
The 5th Chinese Helicobacter treatment consensus
How long should I wait before doing follow up breath/stool test?

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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

In Canada, Dr. doesn't want to do breath test

There are several types of tests for H.pylori. The major ones have a their own forum.

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Re: In Canada, Dr. doesn't want to do breath test

Post by itisstar »

Hi Judy,
haven't seen any other posts on here lately from you, just wondering if your tests came back yet? Have you found anything that you can eat? i think in the worst of it, i was on saltine crackers, seriously, just nibbles. i was not well. lately i've been starting to get the familiar feelings. none of the embarrassing stomach rumblings though. i am going to see my doctor near the end of the month, i can't believe it will be so ling, but that's how long i have to wait just to see my family doctor. oh well, at least he's thorough and listens to me when i explain my symptoms.

i was worried about you and wondering if you've been able to get any answers from your doctor. i know the domperidone is kind of scary, but i was really wasting away and had to make a decision, either taking a pill or starving to death, i remember it did take a lil while for it to balance out in my body, but i think i made the right choice for myself. but the pill might not be right for you. i have a sensitivity to gravol, otherwise i probably would have just used that.

well, hope you are getting better.

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Re: In Canada, Dr. doesn't want to do breath test

Post by Helico_expert »


psychology effect play a very important role in this kind of disease. we recently had a human trial on H. pylori infection, one of our subject complained so much about his pain here and there. but luckily, it turns out that he is on placebo.

therefore, i think you need to stay positive. let the positive energy accumulate in your body.

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Re: In Canada, Dr. doesn't want to do breath test

Post by HardMath »

HI-- I'm in Cincinnati, Ohio and completed a 12 day treatment for h-pylori two weeks ago. My GI doctor (considered the foremost specialist in the area) has never heard of the Urea test. She is open to getting information, but even if I purchase the kit, how do I figure out what lab in the area will analyze the results?

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Re: In Canada, Dr. doesn't want to do breath test

Post by Helico_expert »

you should ask whoever that sells you the urea test kit. This is an Australia company, you probably can try asking them.

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