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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

family history of stomach cancer

After many years of H.pylori infection a cancer can develop in the stomach. This is particularly common in Latin America and Asia (esp. Japan). It is believed that lifelong inflammation of the stomach lining causes low acidity which then allows carcinogens to be active in the stomach. These then cause stem cells (part of the healing process) to mutate and become cancer cells.

Moderators: barjammar, Toni

Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Jun 04, 2013 5:57 am

Re: family history of stomach cancer

Post by mallett696 »

i am h pylori positive. i have been treated 3 times and am about to do last try.. what happens if i cant get rid of this, i already have peptic ulcers from it and am in constant pain and stay dehydrated... help

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Re: family history of stomach cancer

Post by Helico_expert »

according to the guideline, you should get an antibiotic sensitivity test done. So, you'll need to see a specialist, ask for an endoscopy, get the biopsy, grow the bacteria and test for antibiotics resistance.

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Joined: Thu Sep 24, 2015 7:59 pm

Re: family history of stomach cancer

Post by msreza16 »

barjammar wrote:If they just show normal H.pylori inflammation then you are reasonably safe. If they show metaplasia (looking like intestinal cells) or atrophy (the acid glands are missing leaving space); or if there is low stomach acid, then that is a worry.
Dear Barry,
I have resistant h. Pylori in my stomach. Endoscopy and histology shows severe Helicobacter gastritis with intestinal metaplasia. My half sister died of stomach cancer. So, I am very worried as you've mentioned above.

I've finished 2 therapies which failed. Now I'm on salvage therapy. Just worried if salvage therapy fails, what happens then? Is there any other treatment available? Is there any other tests that will tell me why the therapies are not working for me?

I'm desperate to get rid if this bacteria. Will appreciate any suggestion.

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