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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

false negative biopsy result because of one nexium ???

Biopsy tests (CLOtest, culture, histology) are done at endoscopy and are very accurate. They detect ACTUAL bacteria so they quickly become negative (24 hours or so) if Hp has been eradicated. However, drugs which inhibit Hp temporarily, such as antibiotics or Pepto-Bismol, may cause these tests to go negative. Just in case, back up a negative biopsy test with a serology - which should also be negative if Hp has never infected the patient. If the diagnosis of Hp is crucial to the patient's care, and the tests do not coincide, then one of them must be wrong!

Moderators: barjammar, Toni

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Joined: Sat May 26, 2018 11:20 pm

false negative biopsy result because of one nexium ???

Post by jonur »

Hi everyone,

I recently had an endoscopy done but I wasn't told that I shouldn't take Nexium or anything beforehand! I never took it long term, just once every couple weeks if I was heaving heartburn.

So three days before my endoscopy I took one 40mg nexium because I was having heartburn, and then 3 days later I had biopsy done to check for h. pylori and it came back negative. I forgot to tell my doctor that I took one nexium caplet 3 days before-do you think this could have produced a false negative? I've also been on probiotics for 2 weeks while this test took place too. Is this something I should bring up with GI doctor to see if she wants to retest???

I ended up being diagnosed with mild chronic gastritis and a small ulcer in my small intestine, which my GI said could be from me using Advil quite a few times over the last couple months.

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Re: false negative biopsy result because of one nexium ???

Post by Helico_expert »

what about histology? by looking at the number of lymphocytes, the pathologist can tell if there is H. pylori. At least the endoscopy did not show you having any other severe abnormality.

alternatively, you can wait for a few more weeks, then do a breath test. That's very accurate too.

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