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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Pylori Blood Test Negative?

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Pylori Blood Test Negative?

Post by dominover »

I have a gnawing feeling in my upper left stomach area, just below my rib cage. Seems to be worse when my stomach is empty and if I haven't eaten all day. It seems to have started after I breathed in, an possibly ingested, some caustic soda 3 months ago now. Initially I breathed in the vapours and then it may have splashed into some cups and I eventually drank from those cups. My silly mistake of course.

I was surprised that it seems to have as much damage as it has but I began to think that given a myriad of other symptoms I have, I could have damaged an already thin stomach lining from pylori.

I suffer from terrible bloating (for half my life). My body seems to act like a diabetic but I don't have diabetes and all tests come back healthy. I have a gnawing localised pain in my upper left stomach (just below the rib cage bottom rib). I get stomach problems easily (often getting sick from something I've eaten). I seem to have become intolerant to bread and oats (they give me terrible brain fog). If I eat too much of one thing (at one point it was tomato's) I become alergic to it.. This comes in the form of terrible brain fog and vision problems.

I'm actually quiet amazed that I don't have pylori so I'm asking any of you two questions.

1 - Can a pylori blood test pass back a false negative?
2 - If this is not pylori, then what could it be if I have had it for over 3 months now?
(I do not use NSAIDS or any other medication and haven't in 20 years at least).

45 years old, male.

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Re: Pylori Blood Test Negative?

Post by Helico_expert »

it's pretty hard to get false negative from blood test. Then again, no test is 100%. If unsure, you can always get breath test to double confirm.

Nevertheless, you sounded like you became intolerance to gluten. Maybe you want to try a week without gluten to see if your symptom improve. You might want to see a specialist to discuss about this.

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Joined: Fri Jul 27, 2018 12:31 pm

Re: Pylori Blood Test Negative?

Post by dominover »

Hi. I thought of that so I haven't eaten gluten foods for some time now. Problem is still there.

I even had my pancreas tested. Its fine.

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