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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

My advices for the after H.pylori treatment

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Re: My advices for the after H.pylori treatment

Post by quillinalonzo2017 »

What is an H. pylori infection?
H. pylori is a common type of bacteria that grows in the digestive tract and has a tendency to attack the stomach lining. It infects the stomachs of roughly 60 percent of the world’s adult population. H. pylori infections are usually harmless, but they’re responsible for the majority of ulcers in the stomach and small intestine.

The “H” in the name is short for Helicobacter. “Helico” means spiral, which indicates that the bacteria are spiral shaped.

H. pylori often infect your stomach during childhood. While infections with this strain of bacteria typically don’t cause symptoms, they can lead to diseases in some people, including peptic ulcers, and an inflammatory condition inside your stomach known as gastritis.

H. pylori are adapted to live in the harsh, acidic environment of the stomach. These bacteria can change the environment around them and reduce its acidity so they can survive. The spiral shape of H. pylori allows them to penetrate your stomach lining, where they’re protected by mucus and your body’s immune cells are not able to reach them. The bacteria can interfere with your immune response and ensure that they’re not destroyed. This can lead to stomach problems.

What causes H. pylori infections?
It’s still not known exactly how H. pylori infections spread. The bacteria have coexisted with humans for many thousands of years. The infections are thought to spread from one person’s mouth to another. They may also be transferred from feces to the mouth. This can happen when a person does not wash their hands thoroughly after using the bathroom. H. pylori can also spread through contact with contaminated water or food.

The bacteria are believed to cause stomach problems when they penetrate the stomach’s mucous lining and generate substances that neutralize stomach acids. This makes the stomach cells more vulnerable to the harsh acids. Stomach acid and H. pylori together irritate the stomach lining and may cause ulcers in your stomach or duodenum, which is the first part of your small intestine.

What are the symptoms of H. pylori infection?
Most people with H. pylori don’t have any symptoms.

When the infection leads to an ulcer, symptoms may include abdominal pain, especially when your stomach is empty at night or a few hours after meals. The pain is usually described as a gnawing pain, and it may come and go. Eating or taking antacid drugs may relieve this pain.

If you have this type of pain or a strong pain that doesn’t seem to go away, you should visit your doctor.

A number of other symptoms may be associated with H. pylori infection, including:

excessive burping
feeling bloated
lack of appetite, or anorexia
unexplained weight loss
See your doctor immediately if you experience:

trouble swallowing
blood in the stool
However, these are common symptoms that could be caused by other conditions. Some of the symptoms of H. pylori infection are also experienced by healthy people. If any of these symptoms persist or you’re concerned about them, it’s always best to see your doctor. If you notice blood or a black color in your feces or vomit, you should consult your doctor.

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Re: My advices for the after H.pylori treatment

Post by val18 »

I'm inspired to share my story after reading your experience.

I started feeling unwell with heartburns at times when i eat certain foods. At times i could go to the pharmacy, buy lanzoprazole and the pain in my lower abdomen would go away.

After few weeks, lanzoprazole actually started having no effect on easing the heartburn pain. In addition to the heartburn i started having muscle pain around the area of my back pain. After various consultations with doctors, they could not really figure out or diagnose the cause of my sickness. One of the doctor prescribed Domperidone-motilium tablets which gave a relief for few days and thereafter its effect fell.

For about 5 months, none of the doctors could tell what my case. My back pain became worse as i could not sit for long but stand instead. So i decided to go see a physician who recommended me for an endoscopy for my stomach pain and CT scan for my back pain. Endoscopy results showed positive results for the H.pylori and CT scan shows my lower backbone - lumbar is in straight position with thoracic and it does not bend. The physician thought these were two isolated cases. He recommended physiotherapy for my back and H.pylori treatment.

My first treatment had Clarithromycin, Amoxicillin, Omeprazole. After taking these medicines i experienced weakness and heart palpitations and i would not sleep at night. It actually worsen as the pain on my back too continues after physio sessions.

I continued with this pain for another 4 months, until one day i decided to see a doctor again. Luckily, i had to see the new doctor. When i started explaining, she started smiling. The good news is that, she was treated for the same bacteria before and she had done several research on the bacteria. That brings my case that i was one of the subject resistant to the normal treatment of the bacteria. Instead of the Clarithrmoycin - Amoxicillin treatment, she prescribed me the Solal Mystic Gum.

After taking Solal Mystic Gum for about a week (2x pills three times a day), I started getting better.

At the moment my stomach and intestine pains. It gets upset when i takes something heavy and i feel full at times. I had taken diflucan - fluconazole pill which helped alot and i'm continuously taking the probiotic and omeprazole daily. I understand it would take time for the stomach and intestine to heal which would require some patience.

My end words are to have patience in suffering and healing. Thank you

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Re: My advices for the after H.pylori treatment

Post by Helico_expert »

Hi Val18,

Have you done a follow up breath test to check if your HP still present? Have to remind you that you will never fully recovered until H. pylori is completely eradicated.

Mystic gum and PPI may ease the symptoms, but the root of the problem (H. pylori) may still be there.

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Re: H Pylori vs Blood Pressure

Post by helico_highBP »

Hi All ,

Quick Update 3 = 3 Months : No medicines after I stopped taking Omeprazole after first 21 days of treatment.
Prev H Pylori Count = 4200 ( Unit I dont know )
Current = 34 ( unit I dont know )

After I stopped taking Omeprazole and Rantidine for first couple of days after treatment I used to get stomach burning pain but with time body learned to cope with it.

Quick Update 2 = 21 days are crossed after I finished my antibiotics course. I have also stopped taking Omeprazole twice dailly and taking it once in 2 days. Bloating and Acidity has been reduced and feeling much more better now. Doctor asked me to do breath test again in NOVEMBER 20.

Please advice

First of all this forum is really good where I am reading most of the information about people who are going through same pain.

About me : Age 28 , 6 feet , 200 lbs and used to go gym , running always.

In My case Even after going through triple therapy of Amox , Clarithromycin and Omeprazole I am still having bloating , Increased blood pressure ( ~140 / 85 )

Emergency Instances : -

For me this nightmare started with a Panic Attack ? ( thats what doctor said) where I landed up in ER via 911 help . Had increased heartbeats , sweating , chest fluttering kind of symptoms. As soon as paramedic came and took EKG it was all normal ( everything happened within 5 minutes )
I have gone through TROPONIN Tests , EKG each more than 3 times when these sessions of high blood pressure were going on.
Finally I have done Stress Test for Heart and couple of X Ray imaging but everything came normal.

H Pylori Detected :
After 6 visits with Doctor I got chance to do breath test and got detected positive for H Pylori - which I was happy because I though at least they found something wrong and something they can work on.

H Pylori Treatment :
Now my treatment is complete where I got 3000 mg of Amox + Clarithromycin + Omeprazole(20mg*2) for 14 days .

4 days after I started getting nightmares , lack of sleep and scary dreams which got relieved after 8th day but I still didnt step back from those antibiotics.

Post H Pylori Treatment :
Feeling much better compare to past month , started driving , playing tennis a little bit but since yesterday I started getting more stomach acidity , bloating and cold sweat sometimes.. I also started experiencing Heartbeats/ fluttering kind of sensations but Apple watch still shows heart rate between 75 - 97 bpm.

Doctor's always said Blood Pressure rise may be due to Anxiety or I am thinking too much but I still suspect if this bacteria has any relation with blood pressure ?

I usually get Numbing of Left hand , little bit of Pain , bloating most of the times and these sessions can last hours but eventually I feel better and again it continues.

Please please help as I am all stuck with these things and I just want to live my life again how it used to be prior to this bacteria

Thank You
Last edited by helico_highBP on Fri Dec 14, 2018 5:21 am, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: My advices for the after H.pylori treatment

Post by quillinalonzo2017 »

Treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection is important for the management of gastrointestinal disorders such as peptic ulcer and gastric cancer. Due to the increase in the prevalence of H. pylori resistance to antibiotics, triple therapy with clarithromycin is no longer the best treatment for H. pylori, especially in some areas where the local resistance to this antibiotic is higher than 20%. Alternative treatments have been proposed for the eradication of H. pylori. Some of them including novel antibiotics or classical ones in different combinations; these treatments are being used in the regular clinical practice as novel and more effective treatments. Others therapies are using probiotics associated to antibiotics to treat this infection.

The present article is a revision of H. pylori eradication treatment, focusing on emerging approaches to avoid the treatment failure, using new therapies with antimicrobials or with probiotics.

I have also get some more information at

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Re: My advices for the after H.pylori treatment

Post by Katies »

I must be in the 1 percent. It has taken time and research to cause me to wonder if my newly diagnosed Thyroid, Emphysema and Kidney issue have something to do w my newly diagnosed H.Pyloris infection. It seems too coincidental that all appears together. It feels gross. Rumbling, gurgling, squishing noises. Profuse sweats and nerve shudders, spasms. Inability to walk far, as severe back pain and sweats start within a few feet of effort. I will start triple therapy (3rd time) however, the Drs at my surgery have differing testing ideas. I was told Id healed. (Never felt i did), I was told I would test positive - for life. (Yet thats not what I read here) Then of course last week I was told I was re-infected (a contradiction) I have not been referred to Gastroenterology. I would like to be - as my symptoms are severe. I have not worked for 2 years - prior I have worked 20 years with few sick days. Is it possible that H. Pyloris also can affect kidney function. Create sputum - and affect Thyroid. Could H.Pyloris be in 'sputum' sample ?

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Re: H.Pylori vs Blood Pressure

Post by Katies »

In reply to this poster. Take heart, it is a distressing disease. Re-Test for H.Pyloris. Try and treat it again quickly and/or try to get a referral to Gastroenterology. I get the Doctors who raise,'anxiety and or stress' as issues. I am not however, sold on any disease being the core 'cause' nor outcome of anxiety. I am a little agnostic, if you like. I do believe that it is stressful to deal with. I really am wondering if this Pylori is more insistent than 14 day antibiotic treatments. I don't know - I feel like something is missing in the treatments. I do wish you well. Maybe some counseling might help, techniques to deal w panic attacks. I do have them as well, but can identify them now and work through them. It would be nice to be rid of this nasty bacteria, thats for sure

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Re: My advices for the after H.pylori treatment

Post by Helico_expert »

H. pylori is known only able to colonise the stomach. so stomach problem has more association reports.

H. pylori is also reported to cause problem elsewhere via indirect route. For example, H. pylori can cause inflammation and the inflammatory factors can flow through the blood vessels to other parts of the body can cause inflammation else where; or the toxin secreted by H. pylori may pass through the intestine and create problem down the track.

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Re: My advices for the after H.pylori treatment

Post by vladshaf »

Dear Helico_expert,

Wanted to ask whether boiling water and reheating food was always necessary( that is what I practise at the moment).
Thanks for help!

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