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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Helicobacter Damage

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Helicobacter Damage

Post by LuizaV »

Dear Helico Experts,

I've been infected with HP probably my whole life because all my life I had stomach issues but no doctor here in germany made a helicobacter breath test or even considered that I maybe had this bug.
After my pregnancy I had lots of air in my stomach and I was sick very often. Then I started waking up at night with tachycardia and panic-attacks. Night sweating, I felt sick, a really bad rash on my back. After a while my stomach felt like I had a stone within and I had difficulties in breathing.
Finally I had nausea for about 2 weeks and my father told me, that I maybe had HP, because he had it 20 years ago. I bought a blood test and it was positive. I went to a gastro and made an endoscopy and they also made seveal breath test and found out that I also have a fructose malabsorption (the cause that I was permanently ill with cold etc.).
I went through 2 regimen of antibiotics (last year June), because the first didn't work out. After the second regimen the symptoms like the night tachycardia, anxiety, sweating, weakness dissapeared. (I found a study from the warsaw university, that there is a link between HP and higher levels of anxiety, might be interresting for you). The eradication was confirmed by breath and stool test.

My first question is: is there maybe a link between Fructose Malabsorption?

My Helicobacter caused my stomach acid to be low. When I was young I always had problems when I ate meat. After turning into a vegetarian for about 8 years my stomach problems went away for a long time.

After the treatment I was nauseous for about 1 month but it went away. My stomach acid is better, because I have a feeling of hunger again, but I still have some issues like bloating and sometimes a feeling like my stomach is full for a long time after eating. Is it possible that the helicobacter has done permanent damage (the endoscopy was ok) or does it take a long time for the stomach lining to heal (Dr. Marshall said one year?)? What kind of permanent damage is possible? Is it better to avoid foods like dark chocolate and coffee until my stomach is fine again? Or is the bloating caused by the 17 days of antibiotics I took? I avoid high Fructose Foods and Sorbit etc. So this is not the cause.

Thank you for your answer and sorry for my english.

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Re: Helicobacter Damage

Post by ivan_m »

Hi, I have similar issues like you. Probably had h. pylori since childhood. Eradicated the bug last year, October. Confirmed after stool test. Although many of the symptoms are now gone - low stomach acid, constant burning in my upper abdomen, bad breath and probably my unusual high pulse-rate which is related to anxiety which I often had. I now have an occasional dull stomach ache. I don't know for sure if that's bloating or gastritis. It's nothing compared to my previous condition and symptoms but this is really frustrating. It's been almost 4 months. I really hope this resolve for both of us. I read a few forum threads with members that had symptoms after successful eradication but eventually feel completely healed after some time ranging from months to a whole year. That gives me some hope and peace of mind that the complete healing is ahead of me.

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Re: Helicobacter Damage

Post by LuizaV »

I have found the study about anxiety and Helicobacter, very interesting stuff: ... 000000.pdf

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Re: Helicobacter Damage

Post by ivan_m »

Thanks for the link! I'll take a look.

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Re: Helicobacter Damage

Post by Helico_expert »

I dont think H. pylori will cause fructose malabsorption. Or else many people in the world will be suffering.

in addition, there is no guideline to what food you can or cannot eat before or after treatment. So, it is very subjective. If avoiding certain food makes you feel better, you probably should avoid them. Likewise, if you feel that having probiotics is improving your digestive system, you should continue too.

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Re: Helicobacter Damage

Post by mtobler »

Hi Luiza,

Your story sounds almost identical to mine insofar that I also developed a fructose-malabsorption after contracting H.Pylori at a hospital. Incidentally my blood-work has shown that I have elevated liver enzymes which might correlate with why my liver doesn't properly metabolize fructose.

Has your physician checked your blood-work for liver problems ?



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