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new between h pylori and hair loss?

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new between h pylori and hair loss?

Post by momof3 »

I took a blood test at the beginning of June, which showed that I was at some point "exposed" to H Pylori. A stool test confirmed that I was infected with it. I just finished 2 weeks of medications.

Little background:
I have been suffering from hair loss for about 8 years now. It's cyclical, where I lose more/less at different times. My iron levels (ferratin) have been tested many times. My ferratin levels recently dropped to 27. For optimal hair growth, that number needs to be between 40-80. I've been taking iron supplements for a long time now and have not been able to bring the ferratin number up.

I have been bloated, on and off, for as long as I can remember....years and years. I've been meaning to see a GI doctor for a long time, but didn't get around to doing that until early June. I told him about the bloating, my hair loss and about my low iron levels. That's when I had the test done, which showed I have H Pylori. He said there is a link between the infection and low iron since it can lead to iron deficiency anemia.

For all of you out there that know a lot about this it possible that I've had it all these years? I know that many have it but are not symptomatic. My hair specialist always talks about inflammation, but never thought to test me for this. My ferratin level was in the 40's years ago, but it's been in the 20's for a long time now. You would think that the iron supplements would have helped. The hair specialist believes that this may make my hair better. My GI doctor is supposed to be a great doctor, but not easy to talk to.

I have recently tried to get some information on this and I keep coming across stories where people suffer from acid reflux, diarrhea, food sensitivities, allergies, etc. I really don't have any of that. For me, it's just bloating. I've also been burping a lot ever since my son was born 3 years ago. I NEVER burped before he was born.

Has anyone experienced this before? loss due to iron deficiency anemia because of the H Pylori infection? I know that I will never know for sure, but it would be so nice to know whether this has been the reason why I've been struggling with hair loss for all these years!!! Mentally, I have suffered greatly because of the hair loss. It's ruined my self-esteem and self-confidence completely. I would love to feel hopeful that my hair will come back once this infection is eradicated. It would also be great to know how long it takes to see such improvement.

Thanks in advance for your comments :)

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Re: new between h pylori and hair loss?

Post by Helico_expert »

I am not sure if H. pylori is correlated to hair loss. However, it has generally been believed that H. pylori infect human since young. Studies have shown that people as young as 2 years old has already been infected with H. pylori.

H. pylori infected almost 50% of the world population. However not everyone is symptomatic. Many people carry it without knowing for life.

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Re: new between h pylori and hair loss?

Post by jimpasrson22 »

Helico_expert wrote:I am not sure if H. pylori is correlated to hair loss. However, it has generally been believed that H. pylori infect human since young. Studies have shown that people as young as 2 years old has already been infected with H. pylori.

H. pylori infected almost 50% of the world population. However not everyone is symptomatic. Many people carry it without knowing for life.
The H-Pylori infection can become dangerous if it is left untreated. I don't think h pylori concern with hair loss yes it could be something side effect from the medication of HP. You're supposed to be monitored closely when you have the Pylori virus; tested to make sure the antibiotics are doing their job.

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Re: new between h pylori and hair loss?

Post by Helico_expert »

I agree and disagree.

Yes H. pylori can be dangerous, but I think only to certain population. eg. a family history of gastric cancer, a region where there is high salt intake, etc
BUT to many people, H. pylori infection is asymptomatic. So for this cohort, no treatment is required. because it is still not sure if H. pylori is truly a pathogen. Some scientists are argueing that H. pylori may "train" your immune system when you are young, so you wont grow up with allergies.

Yes. H. pylori treatment should be monitored. But not daily or weekly. Once you complete the treatment, then you need to wait for a month to find out if the treatment is successful. However, this is not generally practiced. Either because the doctors are not aware of, or they think it's not economical. The reason that it is not economical is because the treatment is so effective, only 20% of the patient will come back. So you dont have to waste the breath test on the 80% of the patients.

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spring hairstyles for long hair

Post by maname45 »

Who would have thought? If your hair goes past your shoulders, it’s more fragile and you’ll want to protect those ends with conditioner BEFORE shampoo. This will ensure that they stay healthy and moisture becomes locked in, in order to avoid breakage.

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Re: new between h pylori and hair loss?

Post by ClarckMichel123 »

Any physical injury or infection in body may lead to hair loss problem.there lots of cases are coming regarding this issue and if will think about the solution than there plenty of cure that treat this problem with safe way.

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Re: new between h pylori and hair loss?

Post by satyamambala »

hair loss problem arise in any age and anyone so their is no any parameter for this. If you having this kind of problem firstly meet a dermotologist for analysis the exact problem so that most appropriate solutions make for you.

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Re: new between h pylori and hair loss?

Post by cesarsparks »

There are different kind of treatment available to cure baldness. Hair transplant is one of the latest and safest technique to fight hair loss. I don't think this should be difficult to find best hair transplant doctor or clinic in your region. I got many information ( from these forum. thanks

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Re: new between h pylori and hair loss?

Post by Afontes »

I hope your hair grew back beautifully since a while has passed since your post. I also experienced years of hair loss and autoimmune disease tied to a long running hpylori infection that my gastro doc failed to diagnose. Thank goodness I finally went for a second opinion as the infection had spread throughout my entire digestive tract and beyond. I am finally able to eat some normal food again and my hair is growing in quickly. It was also very devastating for me. I think h.pylori activates a leaky gut response in some people, which can lead to additional illnesses and syndromes. I hope our experiences can enlighten others who are struggling with something similar they don't understand.

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Re: new between h pylori and hair loss?

Post by Helico_expert »


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