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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Are these symptoms related to h pylori?

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Are these symptoms related to h pylori?

Post by ankitrb »


To start with, about a month and a half back, I randomly got lie bumps on my tongue on a weekend and it freaked me out. I though I was about to die and took too much stress. I started experiencing nausea and headaches too. Please note I used to drink alcohol thrice a week and my diet is usually burgers or Indian food or sandwiches. They went away in a week and then appeared again the next week. The headaches and nausea increased and I thought it was just stress so I began to relax. Again after a week or so, I suddenly started feeling a lump in my throat and there was incessant heartburn and acid reflux. The next day, I started having abdominal pain and finally when I couldnt control it, I visited the doctor. He gave me a PPI, a pill to treat the nausea and two more pills. I do not remember the exact names. I took them for 4 days and I felt better and I was happy that all is well. After the dose on the next day, I started experiencing pain again in my stomach and I got Gavison liquid which helped me a bit. Just to be sure, I visited a Gastroenterologist who said that it may be GERD and prescribed me Nexium which I have been taking since last Thursday. I got the lie bumps again(third time) on Saturday but they were not too bad as before. I had some Indian tea on Monday and the lie bumps just escalated immediately and I started having excessive nausea. I had to gulp down a bit of Gaviscon to ease it. I also got a couple of mouth sores which are currently present and are freaking me out. I skipped the Nexium dose yesterday because I thought it is giving me diarrhea and mouth sores and the abdomen pain appeared again but to a smaller extent. It was random and not as bad as the previous weeks. I had the medication today and I still have lie bumps and a couple of mouth sores and a feeling of a lump in my throat. I also have constipation and gurgling in my stomach. I was reading about my symptoms and came across H pyroli and was wondering if the tongue/mouth condition and stomach pain are related? I am currently on a 20 mg Nexium dose from last Thursday.


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Re: Are these symptoms related to h pylori?

Post by Helico_expert »

H. pylori is related to GERD and reflux. Patients may feel stomach pain due to inflammation.

I dont think H. pylori is associated with your tongue symptoms that you describe. Nevertheless, since you are on nexium, you cannot do breath test. Discuss with your doctor about stool/breath/blood test and see if treatment is required for H. pylori.

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Joined: Fri May 24, 2019 2:52 pm

Re: Are these symptoms related to h pylori?

Post by ankitrb »

Thank you very much for your reply. I will wait and see if the Nexium helps.

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