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Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Side effects of antibioticss

The cure of Hp usually requires antibiotics. Other things have been tried and have a weaker effect.

Moderators: barjammar, Toni, luci2010, Ondek-Expert, kkimura

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Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2015 8:24 am

Side effects of antibioticss

Post by heli_ha »

Hi everyone! I am new to site so my apologies for any mistakes.
I was diagnosed with H. Pylori about 5 months ago.
I had the first treatment which was two antibiotics twice a day
and got my urea breath test done and the results came back positive unfortunately :(
Even though I was pretty sure it was already gone
(my symptoms were on and off but my most concern that took me to the doc was constipation!)
Second treatment, I'm taking 4 different medication (tecta: twice a day, tetracycline: two pills four times a day, and bismuth, and pantro I think four times a day)
and I was warned that the side effects MAY be bad so avoid taking it when i have school or something important to do
and to wait until I dont have school is like April next year (I have tests, assignments, work all the time)
I'm currently on those pills above and I'm feeling horrible. I feel nauseous all the time! I get stomach pain sometimes
but always feel like I will throw up! ALWAYS! and sometimes I wish I would and I so far did throw up once.
It made me a feel a little better but right after I felt the same way again.
I already want to stop taking it (It's only been 7 days in and I have another 7 more days to go!)
I have not been able to do any of my school work or studying because as soon as I stare at my book or computer
I automatically run to to washroom getting ready to vomit (though nothing comes out)
Any suggestions? I really want someone to tell me STOP but if I should keep going any ideas what might help me get through it?
Pleaseeee :( any help is useful!

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Re: Side effects of antibioticss

Post by Helico_expert »

thank you for sharing your story. However, it is important to take the pills as long as you can to avoid antibiotic resistance. 7 days is the minimum requirement. 10 days should be enough to achieve 90% cure rate. 14 days is really just in case.

Sometimes, the side effect is due to you keep thinking about it. Distraction is a good way to keep your mind focus on something else and forget about the side effect. The best distraction would be doing something you enjoy a lot.

Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2015 8:24 am

Re: Side effects of antibioticss

Post by heli_ha »

Thanks a lot for the reply!
Unfortunately I have to take it for 14 days and have been counting days.
I can only get myself to study right now as I have my midterms and of course I am struggling to get myself around it
since the side effects are so strong that I constantly have to stop studying to close my eyes and relax myself :(
Thank you for the suggestions though!

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