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Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

My wife is driving me NUTS with this

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My wife is driving me NUTS with this

Post by leper »

My wife always felt bloated, no pain, no gas, no reflux. She is in shape and eats well. She got screened for ovarian cancer and they scanned her whole body, and was diagnosed with h-pylori. She did a bout of antibiotics, no fix, she got endoscoped, nothing........ another round of antibiotics, no fix. I suggested she go see a naturopath and he put her on a cleansing diet that turned her into a bear, but a week later she still feels the same. Her only symptom is feeling full all the time and bloated. I don't want to waste a ton of money on a naturopath experimenting for the next 2 years going through diets and supplements, should we explore another path? I'm going to start reading this site today, but if anyone can add anything you will greatly help us out.

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Re: My wife is driving me NUTS with this

Post by Campanile »

I had a terrible experience with the antibiotics and PPI regimen. I quit taking it after 4 days and a trip to the ER, but I was worried about doing nothing and decided to try holistic medicine until I could see my doctor and re-test after my system cleared the bismuth. I was cautious, because I did not want a false negative on the test. I was fortunate that mastic gum capsules and probiotics helped me improve. I followed a protocol I found on the Internet. I cut out gluten and sugar. I also only drank mineral water with lemon and a pinch of salt, because as crazy as this sounds, regular water seemed to pass right through me.

In addition I consumed lots of broccoli and other vegetables, I chewed mastic gum. Sterilized my toothbrushes in hydrogen peroxide. Brushed my teeth with baking soda and xylitol toothpaste. I used baking soda water as a mouth wash. Occasionally I put grapefruit seed extract and lemongrass oil in my water. Before meals I took DGL licorice and ginger capsules. I also took cat's claw, triphala, bromelain, zinc, vitamin e. I felt considerably better right away and stopped having diarrhea.

My thinking was that the least I could repair my stomach and maybe keep the h pylori population low, truthfully I did not expect to eradicate it with mastic gum. According to the stool test h pylori is not present, but because of medical mismanagement by the NP I cannot say with 100% certainty that I had an active h pylori infection.

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Re: My wife is driving me NUTS with this

Post by Helico_expert »

what antibiotics had your wife tried in the first and second treatment?

I agree that the bloating could due to food allergies like gluten.

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