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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

After HPAC H-Pylori Antibiotics Symptoms

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After HPAC H-Pylori Antibiotics Symptoms

Post by maple4 »

Hello all,

I was diagnosed with H-Pylori with a bloodwork test. I had stomach acid reflux in the middle of the night for the past 10 years. So my doctor told me to take the 7 day course of the Hpac with: amoxicillin (Amoxil) and clarithromycin (Biaxin) with the Lansoprazole. It's been 9 days after the HPAC and whatever I eat I have pain in my stomach kind of feels like it's a bit burning, with gas like bloating symptoms.

This aching pain that occurs right below the chest bone (right where the stomach and esophagus meets). I am taking Acidophilus, Benefibre, Losec and doing my best to eat bland foods like, bread, rice, turkey breast, chicken breast, brocolli, bananas, cooked carrots, milk, soy milk, tofu, water, pears.. I did however, eat a little carrot cake, chocolate cookies, salad, mushroom soup, ice cream.

I was wondering if anyone else was having this same pain?
Is anyone taking a lot of acidophilus after the bacteria?
What is everyone eating?
Should I go for the scope to see if I have ulcers or how much damage there is in my stomach?

Thank you and please let me know if you are going through the same thing.

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Re: After HPAC H-Pylori Antibiotics Symptoms

Post by Helico_expert »

no special diet is currently recommended. since you have completed your treatment, i suggest you to wait 3 to 4 weeks, then go for a follow up breath test. if the pain persist after the breath test done, then you can ask your doctor to perform an endoscopy to see if you have ulcer.

if ulcer is seen, you'll need to take losec until the ulcer heal.

just a reminder, the recovering from h. pylori damage can take up to a few months even if h. pylori is successfully removed.

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Re: After HPAC H-Pylori Antibiotics Symptoms

Post by maple4 »

Thank you for your reply.

Do you know if I do the follow up UREA BREATH TEST.. what can I take while I stop taking PPI's for a week? I think I stopped taking it for one day and my heartburn symptoms were really bad.

My endoscopy is taking forever to make an appointment. I am in a lot of pain and the emergency at my hospital won't do anything. Do you have any remedies to help soothe the Esophagus and upper stomach area?

I am currently taking NEXIUM PPI and waiting on the doctors and stomach specialist appointments.

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Re: After HPAC H-Pylori Antibiotics Symptoms

Post by Helico_expert »

Perhaps you should discuss with your Dr. if you can assume that your HP is not eradicated in your previous treatment and if you can go ahead with the 2nd line treatment (no metronidazole, no clarithromycin).

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Re: After HPAC H-Pylori Antibiotics Symptoms

Post by maple4 »

Hi Helico Expert,

I went to another clinic MD yesterday and he gave me AMOXICILLIN and METRONIDAZOLE, so he would not give me other types of antibiotics combinations. Then he said continue doubling up on the NEXIUM.

I have suggested to him this combination of: Colloidal Bismuth Subcitrate, Tetracycline and Metronidazole. He won't give it to me.

Why no METRONIDAZOLE, because of it's unsuccessful rates of eradication with H.Pylori?

Thank you.

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Re: After HPAC H-Pylori Antibiotics Symptoms

Post by Helico_expert »

I am not a medical doctor, I am a researcher. So you can only take my words as reference. Many observation showed that people who failed first line treatment is because of metronidazole or clarithromycin resistance. Then again, some studies also mentioned that metronidazole resistance can be overcome by doubling the dose. Amoxycilin resistance is so rare that we have not seen any. So, your Doctor's suggestion of Amox and MTZ may work.

The reason why your doctors are not giving you other stronger antibiotics would be because of the greater side effect, and most of all, may introduce resistance to other bacteria in your intestine. So, the agreed protocol is: before proving resistance to all primary treatment, other antibiotics such as Tet, should not be given.

Bismuth subsitrate on the other hand, is not an antibiotic. Bacteria will not resistance to. The side effect is very dark stool and people may think they have internal bleeding. Nevertheless, it is difficult to find due to very low profit margin. Your doctor may not have access to bismuth.

If you can do endoscopy, that would be best. it will give your doctor a better understanding of your stomach status. However, UBT should be used for confirmation of HP eradication (after endoscopy and antibiotic treatment).

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Re: After HPAC H-Pylori Antibiotics Symptoms

Post by maple4 »

Hello ,

I have taken the Second Line Treatment of: Amocixillin and Flagyl 10 days with double dose of PPI Nexium.

It's been 3 days and I have these symptoms:

-Gnawing pain in whole chest (very painful) throbbing feeling,spasming, feels like chest cold, headaches, nausea
-Burning in esophagus after eating
-Top of stomach has gnawing feeling
-Gas and bloated in intestines, better after I go to the bathroom.

Medications taken: Nexium, Acidophilus, Metochlopramide (pain & nausea)
Food: No oily food, steamed white rice, oatmeal, brown multigrain bread, bananas, pudding, chicken noodle soups, cooked broccoli, zucchini,carrots,spinach, drinks: water, milk

In about a month,I am getting an endoscopy, barium X-ray and ultrasound on my lower abdomen (liver,gall bladder , pancreas) this month.

After all that I will probably do the UBT to be sure if it is eradicated..

I sure hope these symptoms go away. I'm thinking I may have developed Allergies, damage to esophagus from acid or it can be a hiatal hernia now...

I feel for everyone who had to deal with the aftermath of H.Pylori, it is horrible...

Please let me know if anyone has the similar issues thank you...

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Re: After HPAC H-Pylori Antibiotics Symptoms

Post by Helico_expert »

yup. You are one of those rare cases who experience difficulty during and after treatment. However, you are not alone. many patients in this forum discuss about these complications. However, the antibiotic that you are taking, Amox and Flagyl, are considered mild with side effects. Let's finish this course of treatment and see how it goes. Your symptom will most likely persist during this treatment, but do not give up.

Acidophilus during antibiotic treatment is not recommended as they'll just be killed off by antibiotics.

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Re: After HPAC H-Pylori Antibiotics Symptoms

Post by maple4 »

Hi Helico_expert and everyone on the forum

I have been having severe esophagus pains now and throat hurts , very itchy. Sometimes I get the gnawing pain in the top of my stomach still. Have to be really careful what I eat and has to be easy to digest, with lots of fibre. No grease, no acidic foods and any exciting foods. I am stressed out now because I'm not sure if I have the H.pylori or if it's these other reasons :

- Ulcers
- Esophagitis from Viral, Fungal and Bacterial Infections.
- Damaged inflammed stomach from H.Pylori
- Hiatal Hernia
- Parasites Infections

I've travelled to 7 asian countries (China, Vietnam, South Korea, Malaysia(Borneo),Japan, India, HOngkong) in the last year... so hopefully I didn't catch something else bad.

Hope these symptoms, will go away and it was only the H.Pylori...

Anyone experiencing this? So tired of the pain..

Still waiting on results on tests Barium XRAY/Ultrasound, Endoscopy.

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Re: After HPAC H-Pylori Antibiotics Symptoms

Post by Helico_expert »

glad to hear that you did all those test. Let's wait for the result.

as for H. pylori infection related to your last year travel, it's almost no relation. H. pylori is a chronic'll take many decades before you feel it. Many people in the world is infected and not even knowing. in addition, many has it all their life without any symptoms.

anyway, I am trying to say, if you have it, it'll be you catch it when you are young.

I hope your problems are solely just H. pylori too. at least we know how to deal with it.

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