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Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
The 5th Chinese Helicobacter treatment consensus
How long should I wait before doing follow up breath/stool test?

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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Not sure whats going on ?

The various unpleasant manifestations of Helicobacter can be described here. Remember however that the great majority of persons with Hp have no symptoms that they are aware of and consider themselves normal.

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Not sure whats going on ?

Post by clash »

Hi im new to forum I shall write up small dossier of my symptoms..

Few weeks before christmas i started getting small flutter feelings in stomach and slight nausea then all of a sudden one day i got the burps not to bad thou, so as i googled it and the most common symptom that came up was cancer, so i made an appoitment at doctors, 1st time he gave me gaviscon, made no difference said come back in a week if nothing changed, over the week all symptoms went i felt like i always do ... then a few days after the week was up the symptoms came back but not too bad had slight burning in stomach above my belly button (now gone) but i thought best get it checked, doctor mention H-Pyroli he gave me Lansoprazole told me to hand stool sample in not heard nowt back on that by this time had slight diarhhea with bits in, I took Lansop each morning, I then started googling H-Pyroli and it said might me best to change what I eat etc, I bought Green tea, ACV, cut outcertain foods milk, beer etc. started buying broccoli, cabbage, bananas as I got scared of eating in case it was cause of my troubles.

After four days I thought if I have H-Pyroli and im taking Lansop at same time but I aint been told I have H-Pyroli officially I thought I could be doing more harm than good by lowering acid in stomach too much as I got a bit bad reflux and I got scared to eat, thought I will wait to see what my actually diagnoses will be before going on the tablets , the day after I stopped taking them I felt great no symptoms at all nowt had nice dinner and supper etc other than slight head ache going to bed, this morning I get up and I start gulping air down my throat every now and then, then the slight belches start as if I swallow air its coming back up goes on for hours no acid or anything other than slight tenderness across top stomach near bottom of my ribs area, I came home to try to figure out why I'm gulping air down my throat which seems to make me belch and have slight flatulence, it feels at back of my throat like a slight tickle of salvia so I gulp to get rid of it, while sitting here I sometimes find myself not thinking about it i seem great no gulping etc just very slight headache on right hand side.

I've just had my dinner now as im not scared to eat but im still eating broccoli, cabbage etc and only symptoms I have now is few burps, slight tenderness/bloating across bottom of my ribs/top of the stomach which comes and goes with small gurgle noises inside intestines and swallowing salvia that seems to be building up in my mouth. (just thought could this be too much ACV as im having a cup of it now with honey).

At the start of it all I thought it might be stress which made my stomach flutter etc as im going thru bit bad time and every morning I was panicking about the day ahead which made my stomach flutter, I could live with that but the belching and flatulence started, now when I try to relax I sometimes forget I have all these problems then when I think about it and I start pin pointing every twitch I wonder if it could be H-Pyroli related, but if it weren't for bloating feeling across top of stomach and few belches and gulping I'd feel great.

Plus does H-Pylori cause sinus problems Im starting to get stuffy nose ?

Not sure if any of this makes sense but its only way i can put forward my problems, does it sound like Pyroli ?

Thanks inadvance.

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Re: Not sure whats going on ?

Post by Helico_expert »

H. pylori can cause all sort of stomach problem. Not the nasal. The best is not to have any intervention before the diagnostic test. If the bacterial load is reduced, you may get false negative result.

Other than the Lansoprazole, you can eat whatever you want. Lansoprazole has a chance of producing false negative result. Alternatively, you can ask for blood test. Blood test is very accurate in detecting H. pylori infection history. But cannot tell if you still have H. pylori now.

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Re: Not sure whats going on ?

Post by clash »

Hi thx for that, I have my results back as the doctor said I was ok not infected but yesterday was my worst day yet all day I had indigestion it came on just as I was going out and I thought what have I had to eat, porridge and a cuppa green tea then brushed my teeth again and went out for the day, then I got thinking I wonder if its the toothpaste, I bought a new type toothpaste at beginning December and it was not long after that my symptoms started plus when I brush I don't rinse, then I google about fluoride and all sorts come up about how poison it is and what it can do to your stomach etc and it even says on my toothpaste tube "not for under 12's" and even a further warning about swallowing it to consult a doctor ? I have not taken any this morning so I will see what happens I ain't got any symptoms yet but bit early yet so I will see what happens.

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Re: Not sure whats going on ?

Post by Hexrain »

i just started learning about h pylori. about the sinus stuff... see my post that i just made (in diseases and symptoms titled ETD with Otitis...). im no doctor, but both i and my girlfriend's sinus issues improved GREATLY after pantaprozole. as i understand it, pantaprozole and omeprazole are the only ppi's that kill h. pylori. like i said though, im no doctor, and i just started learning about this bacteria.

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Re: Not sure whats going on ?

Post by Helico_expert »

google search can almost give whatever results you want. So be careful on what you are reading.

While i do not believe swallowing a bit of toothpaste will cause any harm or discomfort, but I certainly wont recommend doing it too often.

As i explained in Hexrain's post, PPI is only a treatment, not a cure. PPI's job is to reduce stomach acid. How is that related to nasal or otitis is unclear.

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Re: Not sure whats going on ?

Post by Hexrain »

helico_expert are you an MD?

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Re: Not sure whats going on ?

Post by Hexrain »

on the insert for prilosec (omeprazole) it lists h. pylori eradication as a use, and doesnt say it has to be paired with antibiotics. just FYI. i could be misunderstanding...

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Re: Not sure whats going on ?

Post by Hexrain »

well i guess it lists it seperate and paired with anti-biotics...

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Re: Not sure whats going on ?

Post by Helico_expert »

Sorry, I am not medical doctor. But I do research on H. pylori for many years under the guidance of Prof. Barry Marshall. This is actually his website and I am managing it for him.

All PPI are marketed for acid blocking. And in early days, Prof. Marshall discovered that using antibiotic alone has poor cure rate. But with the combination of PPI and 2 different antibiotics, can boost the cure rate significantly. Hence, the triple therapy was developed.

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Re: Not sure whats going on ?

Post by Antelope01 »

Hi Hexrain, I was experiencing similar symptoms - nausea, bloating, burping, wind and indigestion which used to come and go for like two years, until I decided to go to my GP. Had a nunch of tests done and was positive for H. Pylori last December. Had triple drug treatment for a week and then lansoprazole for a further wo months. After that, although the nausea and bloating subdided, I can count the days I felt good. It's been like living hell with acid reflux. Went back to my GP who prescribed ranitidine which helped somewhat, but reflux was still bad, AND YES, the acid reflux does make you feel like you are getting sinusitis. When it's bad I can feel the acid spewing up to the back of my throat and burns my throat and back of my tongue like hot chillies, and that sort of triggers the feeling of sinusitis. I am waiting now to have endoscopy done.

While it is a bit reassuring to know that many others are getting similar symptoms with this nasty beast of a bug, it is horrible and depressing, as like you did, I am off coffee, tea (except herbal), chocolate, ice cream, tomatoes, citrus fruit, salad vinaigrette etc. I am so fed up, but I have to try and be positive and patient. You need to follow up with your doctor and take the prescribed antibiotics and PPI if HP comes back positive, and try and hang in there and be patient.

All the best and hope and pray that you feel better soon.

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