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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

HP Second line Treatment symptoms Help!

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HP Second line Treatment symptoms Help!

Post by tonysm »

Hello everyone

So I just want to give you my story hopefully I can get some feedback and good advice. I am 25 always had GERD symptoms, I always take PPI (Dexilant). I was diagnosed with HP about two years ago did a 10 day treatment, started to feel better after a while but never did a test to check if HP was still there or not. About 4-5 months ago I started feeling some stomach pains (upper stomach) and really bad GERD symptoms again, along with bloating and shortness of breath. I did several tests for allergies, blood tests nothing came of it. Did an endoscopy about 2 months ago turns out I had Gastritis, Esophagitis, and like a 6mm tear in my esophagus, and surprise HP too.

So my doctor prescribed me 3 antibiotics for my second round of treatment for 2 weeks:
-first week: Nexium 40mg 2 times a day and Ospamox 1000 2 times a day
- second week: Nexium 40mg 2 times a days, Flagyl 500 3 times a day, and Klacid 500 two times a day.
Needless to say I had bad reactions to the antibiotics, nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath, anxiety which I never had before.... for like the last 5 days I couldn't leave the house because of the way I was feeling I barely ate stayed in bed mostly but I powered through it. Of course strict diet during treatment too.

Now I am 5 days after my last day of Antibiotics. The side effects of the antibiotics are getting better I think, dizziness and anxiety mainly. But now I am feeling sever acid reflux and nausea, during my treatment I have been watching my diet, eating light food (oatmeal, yogurt, grilled chicken breast, chicken soup...) and now taking probiotics. Pain in my upper stomach (like inside my ribcage) is still intense, shortness of breath is worse then ever. For like a couple of hours a day I feel good then, everything goes back to being really bad. I can't enjoy anything anymore without feeling bad afterwards, sports going out for drinks for food.... I just want some advice on what to do? and how to proceed? If HP is eradicated does gastritis usually go away? when can I get back to my usual way of life? (What I mean by that go out once a week have a drink, enjoy food without getting anxiety and shortness of breath after i eat, feel bloated.....)

Thank you

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Re: HP Second line Treatment symptoms Help!

Post by Helico_expert »

You can go to pharmacy and get some ranitidine. That will help you with the reflux. You can continue ranitidine as long as you like. One month from now, you need to do a follow up breath test to find out if your HP is truly eradicated.

Ranitidine will not affect breath test. You only need to stop ranitidine that night before breath test next day.

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