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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

When does this hell end?

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When does this hell end?

Post by tokkilee »

I have had very different symptoms from most of the posters here, and that's what worries me. I've had IBS-D for over a decade now, so my stomach is more sensitive than "normal", but I've been able to control it for the most part. Usually when I travel I can simply take some immodium before I leave and be fine.

I started noticing weird symptoms mid-June. As soon as I woke up, at the middle or end of a meal, or in the middle of the night in a dead sleep I'd have to rush to the bathroom and had horrible, painful watery diarrhea, unlike anything I've had with my IBS. Taking immodium does *nothing* at all to stop it. I've been fatigued as well, since I'm obviously not digesting anything. I took a breath test and was diagnosed with an h.pylori infection, although I've doubted it since I don't really have any of the symptoms.

I did a 2 week course of 4 meds: pepto-bismol (busmuth), AMOXICILLIN, CLARITHROMYCIN, and OMEPRAZOLE (which I'm supposed to take for a whole month). I'm almost finished with the extra two weeks of OMEPRAZOLE, so I've been done with the antibiotics for almost two weeks now.

I've had *zero* changes in symptoms. Once or twice it looked like I was started to have formed (but still raggedly/loose) stools without cramping, but that was a week ago and it's just been more watery/sludging, cramping diarrhea. I'm tired all the time and can barely walk around the block before I just want to go back in and lay down. It's made me pretty depressed and I've had limited time outside my apartment since I have to be strapped to a bathroom all the time.

In two more weeks I'm planning to get another breath test, in addition to asking for a C diff test and a leaky gut test. I've tried everything I can - kratom powder (recommended for my IBS but I had a bad reaction to), peppermint tea, manuka honey, probiotics etc etc. I've been taking the Digestive Advantage Intensive Bowel Support probiotic for about 8 months now.

I'm at my wit's end here. I'm a traveler and have a vacation book for London in October, but unless this gets better soon, I won't be able to go. I'm hoping someone on here can advise me - was your experience similar? And does the pain and diarrhea ever end? I'm freaking out about the potential doctor bills if I have to go in for multiple rounds of testing :(

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Re: When does this hell end?

Post by Helico_expert »

your symptoms are different from most of the post here is most probably because they are not cause by H. pylori.

You had done antibiotics and so we can rule out your bacteria that cause your IBS.

Bismuth can prevent C. diff complication. So I suspect it's not because of C. diff.

have you talked to any nutritionist or immunologist? I suspect you have some kind of food allergy. or perhaps you need a colonoscopy to see if there is anything wrong.

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Re: When does this hell end?

Post by tokkilee »

I took the breath test which “confirmed” I had h.pylori but I’ve suspected it was something else since my symptoms are prettt different.

I took a colonoscopy just 2 years ago and it was clear. I taken one every 5 years since I was 18. I’m 32 now. I’ve had IBS since I was 17 and this is definitely not my normal issues. I’m contemplating asking for a c diff test and a leaky gut test when I go in Thursday. They did a gluten test and it came out negative. I went vegan for about 8 months last year and it didn’t help my IBS problems at all, and I’m already prettt much dairy-free so I don’t think it’s an allergy thing.

All these new symptoms started about mid-June and I’m about out of hope. I’m talking to a new GP Thursday but she’ll prob just refer me back to my GI. I’m about out of patience with the amount of money I shell out for healthcare with nothing but a basic shrug “I dunno what’s wrong” in return :(

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Re: When does this hell end?

Post by Helico_expert »

another option is to talk to a specialist about fecal transplant.

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Joined: Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:40 pm

Re: When does this hell end?

Post by tokkilee »

I've been thinking about that - especially because I wanted to do the $200 blood test for leaky gut. I'm crossing my fingers that the new GP I'm seeing tomorrow is open to "alternative" medicine.

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