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Some useful guides
How to post in the forum?
Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
The 5th Chinese Helicobacter treatment consensus
How long should I wait before doing follow up breath/stool test?

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Symptoms survey
(contributed by frostyfeet)

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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Symptoms and Many Questions!!

The various unpleasant manifestations of Helicobacter can be described here. Remember however that the great majority of persons with Hp have no symptoms that they are aware of and consider themselves normal.

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Symptoms and Many Questions!!

Post by MEFF »

Hello everyone! I am new to the site but very glad I found it! I have many questions regarding h.pylori so I will start from the top. I am a 29 y/o male who began having abdominal issues about 3 weeks ago. It all started with minor difficulty swallowing, went and saw a ENT and he stated everything looks fine, gave me Prilosec, and ordered a modified barium swallow. Two days before the swallow, I was eating, ate about 4 bites of food and out of nowhere I felt full, bloated, nauseous, sick, and a burning in my upper portion of the stomach. Began taking the Prilosec because I was told by a friend it may be a ulcer and the Prilosec made me feel much better. Two days later I had the barrium swallow and it came back normale except for a little residue not clearing on the base of the tounge but could be corrected with physical theropy. Over the next week I was eating ok, still had minor stomach problems but was taking the Prilosec and it felt like it was helping, but the difficulty swallowing got progressivly worse last week and I gave up and went to the ER. They did blood work and a CT of the stomach and it all came back normal. Two days after the ER visit is when I began my physical theropy. After visiting with the speech pathologist and after her assessment she came to the same conclusion as me.......this may be h.pylori and not a "swallowing problem". I saw the GI yesterday, gave him the story but more in depth, he told me to stop taking the Prilosec, scheduled a EGD for tomorrow, and does not believe the swallowing and the stomach issue is related but he has not ruled out that they are tied together either. I have worried for about 2 weeks now that they are going to tell me it is something serious and that alone has me anxious. Everything I seem to read is doom and glood and that I have gastric cancer or something along those lines! It seems that all my signs and symptoms lead to either cancer, gastritis, peptic ulcer, or h. pylori. Point is this, they all seem to have the same signs and symptoms but because of my age and what seems to be going on its most likely h.pylori. Now, has anyone had a symptom of difficulty swallowing with h.pylori because thats the one symptom that has me questioning h.pylori. I also have terrible dry mouth right now and the GI does not believe its tied to the stomach either. The swallowing as progressed over the past 5 days that I'm on liquids and the GI took me off of the Prilosec and now when I do eat soup I begin to feel sick, bloated, full after one bowl of soup, nauseous, etc. again just like before the Prilosec. Any help, guidence, or words of encouragement would be great right about now! Thanks everyone.

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Re: Symptoms and Many Questions!!

Post by maryjane »

Hi i noticed you posted a while back , i have just joined and was reading through posts
i have the trouble swallowing and a lump off mucos constantly in my throat.

How are you doing now ?

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Re: Symptoms and Many Questions!!

Post by tombreckan »

Do some internet search regarding this issue or consult some expert doctor advice and I hope everything will be all right.

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Re: Symptoms and Many Questions!!

Post by vv1234 »

I have the same exact pain that you did and I’m 23 years old, female, I’ve been diagnosed with h.pylori and I’ve been having feelings of difficulty swallowing and fatigue for 3 years since my insurance was cut off and I couldn’t do many tests, I lost so much weight and I’m only 85 pounds now. I miss being able to eat my favorite foods, it has ruined 3 years of my life. Please let me know if you feel better now and what has worked for you if you happen to read this, I’m suffering and I just want to be able to gain weight and feel normal again, please 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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Re: Symptoms and Many Questions!!

Post by Helico_expert »

hi vv1234, have you been treated?

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