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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Which antibiotics can be re-used and why?

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Posts: 31
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Which antibiotics can be re-used and why?

Post by photon »

Hi everyone and helico expert. Thanks for your advice I was wondering though which antibiotics can be restarted for h pylori?

I am still undecided on the best course of treatment for my infection. I dont think i wiped it out initally as ive been having worsening symptoms over the past 2 years.

I tried:

amox,clar --> did not comply...didnt retest.

tetra,metro, bismuth

now considering

furazolidone, tetra, bismuth which has high eradication rate in the country i am at according to one study here with less than 50 patients.


levo amoxi bismuth which seems most reasonable because i never took levo and amoxicillin is the best antibiotic frmo what ive read.

Any ideas? I dont think i can handle two consecutive its probably my last shot. The PPIs just destroy me not the antibiotics itself.

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Re: Which antibiotics can be re-used and why?

Post by shid0x »

In case like yours when helicobacter is resistant to more than 2 course of antibiotic we have to do an endoscopy.
When doing this your gastro will do a biopsy and take a sample of your helicobacter strain, this strain will now be grown in a laboratory where scientist will do an antibiogram.
An antibiogram gives us exactly what antibiotics your strain is vulnerable to and allows us to give you a personal treatment that will have a 100% success rate.

Please stop doing random antibiotic course, this will allow other bacteria to mutate and become resistant. This will also totally unbalance your intestinal flora.
Be reasonable and do an endoscopy, i know it could be expensive depending on where you come from but pain has no price.

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Re: Which antibiotics can be re-used and why?

Post by photon »

I did an endoscopy with biopsy but growing the bacteria in a culture is non-heard in my country as most doctors as well as in brazil support the theory of leaving the bacteria in your place whereas in the usa its kill on sight. Trust me i would love to do it but its impossible for me at this point plus i barely have money even if they had it here hence im looking at my best chance to kill it this time. I can hope its a reinfection because the first treatment an secon worked and had two negative stool tests back then right now i have positive and breath test negative a year ago.

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Re: Which antibiotics can be re-used and why?

Post by photon »

bad news it seems i used cipro for a stomach infection last year...i wonder whats the next step? furazoline seems to be brutal....i wish i could re use tetracycline. any suggestions? if its a reinfection can i use the first two treatments?

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Re: Which antibiotics can be re-used and why?

Post by shid0x »

I do believe you can re-use any antibiotics that had effect on you.

There was a guy who was at 80 units of HP before his first triple therapy, after he was at 13 ( 5 being the negative ceiling ).
The doctor just gave him the same seeing it was effective but just didn't get enough time and it worker.

Just like triple therapy works better 14 days than 7.
Just because you still have some doesn't necessarly mean that it became 100% resistant to one antibiotic.

What does your UREA breath test says ?

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Re: Which antibiotics can be re-used and why?

Post by photon »

Hi, thanks for your advice. My UBT was very negative last year I havent taken one after I got infected again. I believe this is a reinfection so hopefully my current therapy works:

amoxcillin 1gx2
levofloxacin 500mgx2
bismuth liquid 250mg
rabeprazole 20mg x2

I wonder if I should take bismuth 4 times a day in lower dosages as to 2 times a day and if it should be taken 2 hours apart from levofloxacin as not to interefere with effectiveness any ideas on this?

Can I take as much bismuth as I want, obviously not too much....its very constipating.

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Re: Which antibiotics can be re-used and why?

Post by Helico_expert »

obviously you should not overdose anything. even overdose water can kill.

we prescribe 2 x 120mg tablets, 4 times daily for 10 days.

here is our publication. ... 9/abstract

your treatment is equivalent to our PBAC.

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