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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Worried about C-Diff /Mild Diarrhea After Treatment ??

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Worried about C-Diff /Mild Diarrhea After Treatment ??

Post by Leahnicole »

Is some diarrhea common after finishing the antibiotics? It's been 4 days since my last antibiotic. Been eating yogurt and taking probiitics. I have mild diarrhea. Like one loose stools per day. Is that common given that I took high dose of antibiotics for 7 days? I'm on mycelex now for oral thrush so perhaps that it why I'm having diarrhea? So worried im going to get C Diff now

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Re: Worried about C-Diff /Mild Diarrhea After Treatment ??

Post by Helico_expert »

it's not common to have diarrhea after antibiotics. The side effects such as diarrhea should stop within a week after stopping antibiotics. Unfortunately, it's difficult to understand the cause of the diarrhea. In general, we explain that it is because when you take antibiotics, all the good bacteria got wiped out. Then it is by chance that good and bad bacteria fight out to dominate the guts. If the bad bacteria wins, then you develop IBD symptoms, which can happen to some people.

So, how are you feeling now? it's more than a week since you finished your antibiotics. did you seek medical advise on C. diff?

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