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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

How do I take quadruple therapy

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How do I take quadruple therapy

Post by Kellymahonkm »

I've been prescribed tetracycline, metronidazole, bismuth and omeprazole but I'm confused when I should take them as one says on an empty stomach and one says with food ? I have had 2 courses of treatment already a few months ago but my symptoms remained and I've just had biopsy results and I still have hp.

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Re: How do I take quadruple therapy

Post by Helico_expert »

it doesnt really matter if you had it with or without food. probably with food is slightly better because the drugs will stay in the stomach slightly longer? just maybe.

you had 2 courses of what antibiotics?

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Re: How do I take quadruple therapy

Post by Kellymahonkm »

I know one was amoxicillin and clarithromycin but can't remember what the next was it was in December so a while ago now. My pharmacist said not to take the bismuth with the tetracycline aswell but I'm sure on another site it says take all at once ?

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Re: How do I take quadruple therapy

Post by Helico_expert »

As long as you are taking a different set of antibiotics. Your H. pylori is likely to have resistant to your previous treatment. You should be able to take all the drugs together.

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Re: How do I take quadruple therapy

Post by Dublingirl »

Hi, I'm into my 5th day of the 10 day quadruple therapy PBRC. As I am allergic to penicillen. To be honest I actually wrote up a timetable of when to take the tablets as there is alot. I totally recommend you do this. And take a probiotic tablet when you go to bed at night. Day 1 and 2 I had diarrhea and my stools turned a very dark colour. dont be freaked out by this. If you've had colonoscopy and endoscopy and your results were ok then your poo has turned this colour because of the bismuth. It will subside once you stop medication. I recommend drinking lots and lots of water. It just helps with the drug toxin build up in the body. It helps me anyway. I have lost my appetite for food. I just eating small amounts of food. I have some nausea and I am fatigued. BUT I know these side affects will go when I stop taking meds. I am still going to work doing a 40 hour week. I spent this weekend lazying around on the couch and I will spend next weekend doing the same. If your body wants to rest. then rest.

Drink lots of water. If you get diarrhea take electrolite to replace lost minerals. Will give you more energy. Eat light do over load your gut with heavy foods. Get plenty of rest. AND DO NOT TAKE MEDS three days after getting flu shot. I did that and it wasnt pretty.

Make sure to get tested four weeks after treatment and I would recommended getting tested four weeks after that.

Once you finish your treatment you need to get your digestive system back in working order. Lots of probiotics, natural yogurts, fresh veggies and fruits and lots of water. Go easy of heavy foods and stay away from HIGH FATTY FOODS like pizzas, fish and chips, mcdonalds etc... GO HEALTHY AND GIVE YOU BODY TIME TO RECOOPERATE!!!

Be well soon :)

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Re: How do I take quadruple therapy

Post by Kellymahonkm »

Hi, thanks for your replies. I'm on these for 14 days and I'm on day 4 and I feel terrible but I'm still going to work I think it takes your mind off it for a while. I will be so glad to see the back of this horrible thing ! I will get some probiotic drinks today. I have written all meds down and just been ticking them off as I take them so I don't miss a dose there's so many !

Anyway thanks again.

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