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Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
The 5th Chinese Helicobacter treatment consensus
How long should I wait before doing follow up breath/stool test?

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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Live w/ H. pylore or Tx and restore gut bacteria

The various unpleasant manifestations of Helicobacter can be described here. Remember however that the great majority of persons with Hp have no symptoms that they are aware of and consider themselves normal.

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Re: Live w/ H. pylore or Tx and restore gut bacteria

Post by Helico_expert »

in regards to your treatment, i assume you are from California, the regimen should work fine.

According to statements in this Forum, H. pylori dies soon after being exposed to air, yet does not live in water very long either; and that H. pylori only lives in the stomach. Yet it moves through the gut and is found in fecal matter.
Is that correct?

Yes. H. pylori only able to survive in the stomach where there is little competition. however, the gastric juice and food will push the H. pylori down to other regions of the guts. I dont believe H. pylori able to compete with the normal flora in the intestine though.

Is it found in dry feces also?
Hard question. I dont know the answer but my guessing is no. Perhaps DNA can be detected, but not live H. pylori.

How do you know that it originated in E. Africa?
Scientists have collected thousands of samples from all over the world and discovered that H. pylori can be used to trace human migration. Please read the following journal article. ... tAl03b.pdf

Are other primates afflicted with it?
Yes. Helicobacter has been isolated from primates. I think they are not H. pylori though. They would be something very closely related species of H. pylori.

Is it part of the archaeological record?
The paper above is moderate recent. I like to believe it should be used as archaeological record.

Can it be that it remains in the fecal matter of other vertebrates and is transmitted by way of leafy vegetables, roots, etc. that have been in contact with it and not washed with soapy water? For example, in California, there was an outbreak of E. coli attributed to unwashed lettuce from fields frequented by wild pigs, or that it had been washed and the bacteria adhered to the leaves.
Could the same be true for H. pylori; i.e., transmitted in this manner?

H. pylori is a very vulnerable (or fragile) bacteria. anywhere outside the stomach is consider a harsh environment. Nevertheless it depends how long it is outside the stomach. I believe any time period more than 72 hrs is enough to kill H. pylori outside human body.

I take it that washing ever freshly grown comestible with soapy water is the most effective means by which to avoid further contact.
Again, because H. pylori cannot survive outside human body for long, soapy water is more than enough clean your food and yourself.

From what I've read in this Forum, the transmission of H. pylori through mouth-to-mouth kissing is highly unlikely, yet I also read that mothers transmit it to their children by means of saliva.
Which is the most accurate information?

it's hard to transfer from mouth to mouth kissing, but if you do it everyday... then there is a chance for H. pylori to be passed to the other individual. One has to be very closely related (as in living together and sharing food for long period of time) to the infected one to get transmitted. children as young as 2 yrs old was found infected in Japan. We believe children that young must have spent most the time with mother and mother is the source. and the only way is via oral-oral route even though it has not been proven.

After completing a antibiotic treatment how long does one wait before being retested for H. pylori according to your protocol?
you'll need to stop antibiotic for at least 4 weeks and PPI for at least 2 weeks before the next breath test for H. pylori.

Which is the most accurate test, breath or stool?
breath test, stool test, blood test, and culture of H. pylori are all pretty accurate (>95% sensitivity). However, blood test cannot be used after treatment because the antibody of H. pylori can stay in your body for years. so blood test will always give positive.

Is it true that detection by means of blood serum has the likelihood of being a false positive and therefore the least reliable?
As explained above. blood test is only accurate before treatment.

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