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Newly diagnosed have questions

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 7:25 am
by moganesi
Hi I am newly diagnosed with hpilory, and I have a couple of questions.
end of September I got all the classic symptoms of hpilory infection. Got MRI and hpilory fecal
test. MRI showed multiple cysts on liver, one cyst on pancreas, and one cyst on kidney.
3 years before I had CT scan (for suspicion of kidney stone) and I did't have any cysts. Hpylori fecal test showed positive for hpilory.

1. Could hpilory cause cysts on multiple organs?

2. My symptoms got much better after changing diet, and putting baking soda to my coffee(I am avid coffle drinker 3-6 cups)
I will have upper endoscopy soon to see if I have ulcers. If I don't have ulcers should I still go through triple therapy (2 antibiotics+PPI)or not? I ask this question because I live with my wife, and she doesn't have any symptoms and doctors refuse to test her, or give prescription for triple therapy. Originally we come from country where hpilory infection is very high like 80% of people have it. so most likely she has it and I had it all my life. If I go through treatment alone chance of reinfection is pretty high.

3. If I don't have ulcers or symptoms can hpilory still cause stomach cancer?

I asked this questions to my doctor, to my wife's doctor, to my gastroenterologist here they answers:
1. don't know
2. my doctor says I should not take antibiotics, gastroenterologist says that my wife should be tested and we both should go through treatment, my wife's doctor bluntly refuses to even test her.(we can't change her doctor)
3. Don't know.
Thank you.

Re: Newly diagnosed have questions

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 10:56 pm
by Helico_expert
1. H. pylori "cannot" cause problem in other organ. H. pylori only colonise in the stomach and cause inflammation in the stomach. The big question is, can the inflammation then happen else where through blood stream to other organ? I think there has been some discussion on this topic. Some studies even suggest the possibility. So, in general, H. pylori "can only cause problem in stomach. H. pylori may cause problem in other organs via inflammation.

2. If you are infected with H. pylori, you should be treated. The asymptomatic people often felt less beneficial because they dont feel the pain and after treatment, you may develop reflux and diarrhea. So some doctors are reluctant to risk that. However, we all know that H. pylori causes inflammation in the stomach. about 1% will develop cancer when they reach 50 or order. We dont know who will be the 1%. So in a high cancer risk region, like China, YES! All H. pylori should be eradicated. In some low gastric cancer region, maybe you should get treated, so you wont spread to your children or family members.

3. I think I kind of answer that in answer 2.
Yes, there is a 1% chance that you'll get gastric cancer. Higher chance if you are asymptomatic. That's why gastric cancer is scary. Because there is no symptom. The discovery is frequently late stage.

Re: Newly diagnosed have questions

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 2:38 am
by moganesi
Thank you. Should my wife be tested and treated as well? She is asymptomatic and her doctor doesn't want to test and treat her.

Re: Newly diagnosed have questions

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 7:31 am
by Helico_expert
I think testing and treating her will reduce the risk of spreading back to you.

and, can reduce the risk of ulcer and cancer for herself.