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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Does this sound like h. pylori? Or something else?

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Does this sound like h. pylori? Or something else?

Post by zheshi14 »

Male, White, 23, 5'10, 165 lbs

Hello all,
My health has felt like it’s been in the crapper for way too long. When I was 12-13 I was diagnosed with GERD (acid reflux). It affected my sleep a little bit from what I remember, but not hugely. Right around this time I also started developing a bit of general anxiety, but again wasn't debilitating. And then, starting at age 16, I woke up one day and noticed I was a little tired for some odd reason. Unfortunately, I have been tired ever since. I've gradually gotten tireder and tireder over the course of the past 7 years, to the point where I'm at now where I can hardly function because the exhaustion has become so debilitating. From the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep I feel so unbelievably drained, and as the days goes on I get tireder and tireder.
I have had practically every sort of blood/urinary test done, have had heart scans, cortisol levels, vitamin/mineral checks, thyroid, etc. Everything comes back fine. I have tried for the hell of it multiple anti-anxiety/anti-depression medications, none of which helped me in the slightest. My diet is healthy, I still try to exercise most days of the week (although it's gotten harder to due to my shear exhaustion). Exercise does not make me feel better or worse. I do not suffer from insomnia. I do not have ADD/ADHD. I do not suffer from any joint pain or any pain for that matter. I average 7-9 hours of sleep a night and usually fall asleep fairly easily, although I do usually wake up 1-2 times a night to pee. I stay very hydrated throughout the day. I have slightly elevated CO2 levels in my blood (but nothing dangerous), slightly elevated bilirubin levels, and testosterone levels on the lower side of the spectrum (but still within the "healthy" range). I do not get sick that often, maybe two colds a year. On a side note, about 2 years ago, for a span of 2-3 months, I would get this painful abdominal/stomach pain on and off. It has since dissipated.
Symptoms include:
- Chronic fatigue that has gradually gotten worse and worse over 7 years span
- Overall cognitive decline (concentration, alertness, memory, focus, brain fog, processing words, etc.)
- Coordination/motor skills decline
- Extremely slow now both mentally and physically
Urge to urinate more
- No energy
- Extremities/body parts feel so utterly exhausted and numb-like to the touch. It’s been a gradual decline as well.
- Head often feels very tired and heavy
- Occasional headache (not super often though)
- Consistent yawning throughout the day
- Wake up many mornings with a dry mouth/throat. Also sometimes throat feels sore/irritated like I'm coming down with an illness, but then goes away the next day.
- I notice I tilt my head to the side often
- Minor facial acne (not acne prone) Also these weird things I get once or so a month on my face. They initially look like a zit, but then stay raised with no sensitivity to them, the flatten out and stay there as a mark for what seems like forever.
- The worse I get, I feel more anxious/stressed easily where everything feels like a chore
- Overall hearing quality seems slightly weakened
- Seem slightly more bloated in face (but could be due to a bit of weight gain) Also look heavier than I actually am.
- Feel intoxicated much more easily/quickly
- Lately, I've noticed that my head does this very brief jerking movement.
- Have a perpetual drunk-like feeling like I'm not quite in real life
- Lower libido (but can still get and maintain an erection and ejaculate)
- Night sweats often
- Sometimes lump type feeling in throat (mostly at night)
- Acid reflux history
- Just over the past 6 months or so, slight nauseous feeling every once in while, but no vomit. Especially after having caffeine
- Sensitive to sunlight/bright light. Also get eye floaters
Overall, it just feels like everything is suppressed by this fog that has gradually gotten worse and worse over time. For example, caffeine’s effect, sex drive, post-workout adrenaline and endorphins, getting plenty of sleep, etc. I can FEEL all these things for the most part, but it feels hidden and pushed down from this utter exhaustion. It’s like nothing can trump the fatigue’s roadblock.
I was recently diagnosed with very mild sleep apnea and have been using a CPAP machine for about 2 weeks now (haven't noticed a difference yet). I also had an extensive food intolerance test done and am mostly sensitive to kidney beans. Every other sensitivity is mild or nonexistent. I think all of my symptoms may be gut related at this point. I know the gut can be the root of many problems. Don't know what else it could be. **I think maybe my gut health is GIVING me severe fatigue, anxiety, food intolerances, minor sleep apnea, and acid reflux issues rather than these other issues being the root cause. If I do in fact have gut health problem, I don't know what would be causing it though. Others have mentioned things like CFS/ME, POTS, magnesium, depression, vitamin D deficiencies, etc. I just don’t think that is the issue.

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Re: Does this sound like h. pylori? Or something else?

Post by Helico_expert »

thank you for sharing your detail story. I think instead of guessing, you should just go to a doctor and ask for a breath test. Hopefully it's positive and at least we have a target to aim for.

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