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Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5


There are several types of tests for H.pylori. The major ones have a their own forum.

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Post by hpylori2018 »

Do you know if the GI-MAP is a reliable test for H. pylori status though, especially considering I don't have classic symptoms? I'm wondering if I should do a second test of some sort.

That's too bad to hear about the alternative treatments. From what I read it sounded like they do work.. Maybe it's only temporary or something, or like you said just focused on reducing symptoms.

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Post by Helico_expert »

if you read through this forum, you'll see a lot of discussion of the alternative treatment. They are mainly for symptoms control. many people tried, but the symptoms always come back.

GI-MAP is not a standard test for H. pylori diagnosis. But there is no reason why it shouldnt be trusted. You can ask your doctor's opinion on it. If your doctor believes it, then he'll prescribe you antibiotics.

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Post by schism »

So let’s say I’m not allergic to amoxicillin, yet the GI MAP says my HP is resistant to Clarithromycin and Fluoroquinolones. What would your recommended drug cocktail be?

I ask because I may go to an allergist and get tested for amoxicillin allergy because I did once have a full body rash while on it about 8-10 years ago I believe after about 6 or 7 days of being on it, but I read that may not even have been an allergy but just a reaction. If I recall correctly, it wasn’t itchy, but just red blotches all over my entire body.

I also am considering working with a natural doctor whom claims he sees 30+ patients with HP a month and cures it all the time first with a strict diet regimen then several supplements (not sure what ones). I’m conflicted cuz on one hand you say it’s basically impossible to cure without antibiotics, but then in my other hand natural docs saying they can and do all the time.

Anyway, my main question is what your recommended combination of drugs would be if I am not actually allergic to amoxicillin, yet my HP does have those drug resistances.


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Post by Helico_expert »


First of all, there is no solid evidence that natural therapy works in killing H. pylori. It may work on some individuals, but I have not heard any true story.

If you are not resistant to Amox, then there is a lot of regimen that you can try. because H. pylori never become resistant to Amox and bismuth, Prof Marshall always prescribe PPI + Amox + Bismuth + one antibiotic that you have not tried. Starting from the most harmless one, metronidazole.

If you dont want to risk it, which I think you shouldnt, then you can try PPI + Bismuth + metronidazole and tetracycline (PBMT or Pylera).

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Post by schism »

My dentist says that the beds of my teeth are dwindling down (periodontal). He blames possibly not flossing enough or maybe my wisdom teeth still being in and causing it.

Could it be HP in my gums eating away at the beds of my teeth? If that is certainly a possibility, then I'm assuming it would be quite difficult for natural treatment to fix that and would be another reason to just go with antibiotics?

Also, I brush/floss very well before sleep and many times I wake up in the morning with just sort of nasty taste in mouth. Just kind of bitter. Is this a sign of HP in mouth?


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Post by Helico_expert »

this is my all time favorite topic to discuss. Does HP really hide in the gum of the teeth? my suggestion is that if it is true, HP is probably a good bacteria to the teeth as it has the ability to neutralise acid. and we all know teeth corrosion is caused by the bad bacteria in the mouth producing acid.

I dont believe H. pylori can live in the mouth. if they do, they only present in a short period of time (due to reflux).

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Post by schism »

Thanks for your feedback. May I ask, who are you? How do you know so much about HP?

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Post by Helico_expert »

I am Prof Marshall's research fellow and I have been researching on H. pylori for more than 10 years. :lol:

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Post by schism »

Well thank you for all your information/knowledge.

I am seeing a GI doc next week and we'll see what he thinks of the GI MAP and if he wants to do a scope or breath test or what...

I have developed a concern all on my own about the Pseudomonas spp. and aeruginosa "overgrowth" shown on my GI MAP. I've learned that Pseudomonas aeruginosa can develop resistance to antibiotics very well and its an "opportunistic bacteria". It waits for the host to become immunocompromised and then strikes and can cause gut-derived sepsis (go through your gut and into your blood).

Are other bacteria in your gut ever a concern for you guys when you're treating HP? Should there ever be more testing done before giving someone an antibiotic to be sure that you're not training some other vicious bacteria how to be ultra-resistant?

In my mind, it's much like what happens when doctors treat people's sickness with Clarithromycin yet the patient also has HP unknown to them and effectively teach the HP to be resistant to that antibiotic. I am concerned that something similar may happen while treating HP, such as teaching the Pseudomonas to be resistant to the antibiotics used in PYLERA (or whatever the doc would decide on) or some other bacteria in one's body.

I fear that this is really how 'superinfections' happen while on antibiotics -- your system is hit with a lot of stress and then something like Psuedomonas aeruginosa strike. I honestly do not know how it happens at all, I'm just piecing information together as I scour google for answers and developing my own picture that's freaking me out.

PS i have health anxiety....

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Post by Helico_expert »

I think this is the era of information explosion. Too many information and not knowing what's true or useful.

I am not sure what's the technology GI MAP used in bacteria identification. But we did some mirobiota work by using the 16s rRNA. we found pseudomonas everywhere, in the mouth, fecal, urine, etc. Yes, some of the strains may be very pathogenic. But I think as long as you are not feeling sick, there is nothing to worry about.

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