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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

My Stomach and H.Pylori story

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My Stomach and H.Pylori story

Post by Hibou84 »

am a 33 years old female from Canada (almost 34) I have been treated for H.Pylori about 9 years ago with the Triple therapy if I remember correctly. I think I got the infection from Spain in 2008 during a trip where I got a really bad stomach ache. Before that I had never had stomach issues.
I was diagnosed the first time through a blood test, got treated, but never got check with Urea Breath Test. Symptoms disappeared and moved on with my life.

After, about 7 years ago similar symptoms of H.Pylori started again and I got a blood test for H.Pylori. (I know now that I should have had an Urea Breath test) and got treated again. This time got a Negative H.Pylori Urea Breath Test after the treatment and an Endoscopy, which the gastro at the time called functional dyspepsia (stomach look great and healthy from what the gastro told me then.)

Fast forward to last year. I had stomach issues all over again, got PPI to help and test negative to H.Pylori by Urea Breath Test, even if blood was positive. Did not get an endoscopy, but my symptoms went away and I continued my life.

Now about 1 month ago I started having a burning sensation in my stomach when I eat and also a sour taste in my mouth. Some days are better than others. For now my GP put me on Sucralfate until I get my H.Pylori UBT test resulta, which I guess after we will decide the best direction to take.

My question is can you stomach become very sensitive after an H.Pylori infection that you can easily get Chronic Gastritis? What can I do to prevent my stomach from getting stomach cancer, having such inflammation at my age does not seems good. Have you encounter patients with similar history? I am just looking to get my health back and the gastro here, just seems to give me pills and not really try to understand my symptoms when H.Pylori is negative... Is there anything protocol I should follow long term to help my stomach heal? any test to make sure I catch any stomach cancer early? Should I get a test checking for the stomach cancer gene? ( we don't have history of stomach cancer in my family)

Thank you so much for you help. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: My Stomach and H.Pylori story

Post by Helico_expert »

PPI can reduce the acid and H. pylori turn off the enzyme that breath test is detecting. Hence, negative breath test result.

H. pylori can cause a lot of damage in the stomach. However, the severity is dependent on the immune response. The more aggressive your immune response fight back, the more damage is done.

Interestingly, normally cancer patients dont have symptoms. So if you are symptomatic, you are usually less likely to have stomach cancer.

Prof. Marshall always says that Vit C has anti-cancer properties. So he always recommend patients to eat fruits.

So for symptomatic patients, it is best to have H. pylori eradicated.

For people over 50 year old, we recommend to do at least one endoscopy check up. So you have a baseline to compare with in the future. If you dont have family history of gastric cancer, your chance of getting one is close to zero.

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Re: My Stomach and H.Pylori story

Post by Hibou84 »

Thanks for your reply. Last year Urea Breath Test was done after having stopped PPI for 14 days. I was not taking anything beside supplements. Could have an effect on the test results?

If the endoscopy 6 years ago showed "functional dyspepsia" meaning, they don't know what I had at the time. Could it mean that I just have an hyper sensitive stomach or visceral hypersensitivity? Could it be a neurogastroenterology issue? My GP is trying for me to get in for an endoscopy for a scope hopefully this can be done fairly quickly. To me it makes sense to have an endoscopy before I get further treatment to really know if I have functional dyspepsia.

Did you have patient that had visceral hypersensitivity after an H.Pylori infection? Could stress and anxiety trigger flare ups for a sensitive stomach?

Thanks again for your help.

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Re: My Stomach and H.Pylori story

Post by Helico_expert »

How negative is your negative result? normally the cut off value for C14 is 50 dpm (it can varies from lab to lab) and if your UBT value is 1 or 2, then it's definitely negative. If your UBT value is 48 ish, then It's a high grade negative. perhaps can consider another breath test a month later.

Yes, anxiety can definitely flare up sensitive stomach. We had a double blind clinical trial where we gave participants either live genetic engineered H. pylori or placebo. One participant was so stressed up and ended up in hospital for a week. We gave him all the antibiotics we have to make sure he is negative of H. pylori. In the end of the study, we found out that he was given placebo. So we learnt that mental stress can definitely provoke H. pylori-like gastric symptoms.

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Re: My Stomach and H.Pylori story

Post by Hibou84 »

The results in Canada are given like just in positive and negative. I have just spoke to the lab and they cannot provide more information than this.:

A negative test will occur in <5% of
active gastric H.pylori infections
(false negative). A negative test six
weeks after H.pylori treatment indicates
eradication. Antibiotics, proton pump
inhibitors, H2 receptor antagonists,
bismuth salts and antacids may cause
false negatives. For further information,
consult the Biochemist on call.
Results should be interpreted in the
context of patient's medications, many
of which may produce a false negative

This seems to be the test I was given: C13 BREATH TEST,C13 H PYLORI. Would this be in your opinion a good value to say that I am negative to H.Pylori? I am now going for a CT scan to look at my Abdomen more precisely pancreas and gallbaldder. Nad we are looking to get me in for endoscopy to see what is going on.

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Re: My Stomach and H.Pylori story

Post by Helico_expert »

breath test is usually very accurate. if you are worried, you can repeat the breath test again in a month time.

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Re: My Stomach and H.Pylori story

Post by Hibou84 »

From your research and observation do people tend to get a long term sensitive stomach after and h. Pylori infection that has been treated? Meaning do some people tend to be more prone to chronic gastritis, ulcer or functional dyspepsia even after 5 years of the treatment?
Thanks for your help.

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Re: My Stomach and H.Pylori story

Post by power1 »

hi Hibou84,

I had h.pylori in 2012, gone through 3 wild treatments of specialist guessing game.
Done some alternative medication on myself.
Create a bad burning sensation end of the day, ....made my specialist prescribed me the 1st line treatment, and somewhat did 3 UBT to confirm if I had H.pylori under controlled in late 2015.

Fast forward...

my stomach did become sensitive.

As for UBT, I suggest getting it with value results , that indicated whether it is borderline or way undetected level. Help manage your decision.

For me, there is a term of "under controlled" or "infested".

Also, your body do change when H.pylori is out of the game.
a) There is a time your body start adjusting due to the damage done...some take months, some take years...
b) Food allergies might happen
c) Normal bouts of constipation , diarrhea could occur but one needs to check if that is still normal
d) FD occurs, at least for me on certain days.
e) your lifestyle and emotions might change...

Hope I help a little here.

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Re: My Stomach and H.Pylori story

Post by Helico_expert »

the recovery is really depending on the damage dealt. Most people is able to become normal. but for some unfortunate one, the scarring is already done and will take a longer time to heal. 5 years is a long time. But has the symptoms improved? or it is always the same for the 5 yrs after the eradication.

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Re: My Stomach and H.Pylori story

Post by Hibou84 »

The symptoms were complete fine for a fine. Has explained in my first post it looks like a get gastritis flare ups since I got H.Pylori. Which I did not get before. Stress and anxiety seem to be responsible for those flare ups. Is is something your patient have dealt with?

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