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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Yet another h.pylori infectee

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Re: Yet another h.pylori infectee

Post by alusinesucess »

sparklypickle wrote:Is there anything else I can do to alleviate the symptoms I have while I wait for the next test result (and beyond if it's negative)
I have constant nausea,no appetite, abdominal tenderness, intermittent abdominal pain, heartburn and bloating (plus a bad case of fed-up-itis) oh and a dull headache (thanks omeprazole....)
So far I have done the following:
Stop all tea, coffee and alcohol,
Stop chocolate and fatty foods
Stop acidic foods and drinks, so no juice, no citrus (haven't had citrus for about a year)
No ibuprofen (not had for two years)
Drinking water, chamomile tea and ginger tea only
Eating liquorice occaissionally,
Omeprazole 20mg twice daily on an empty stomachvery
Taking 10ml of Pepto-Bismol if Nausea gets really bad

The only annoying factor is that I take a liquid form of fluoxetine that is a known gastric irritant and I can't just stop it due to withdrawal issues. I've been tapering off for 6 months but still have another three or four months until I'm totally off it.I always take it after food.

Any other hints?
Take Activated Charcoal, it helps very fast in neutralizing stomach Acid- excess Gas

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Re: Yet another h.pylori infectee

Post by MrsThomson »

Hi!, Sorry to jump on this thread. I've googled but I can't find the answer I'm looking for......

I suffered last year from the worst heartburn stomach pan for about 3 months, had been given omeprazole and it subsided but the minute I stopped taking it then the heartburn came back. I then started being sick after food in December, went back to the docs and got tested for h.pylori and this came back positive. In the start of Jan I got a 7 day prescription of 2 different antibiotics and also a stronger PPI. I took these religiously for the 7 days.

It is now almost the middle of Feb and I am still not feeling any better. this morning was my 3rd visit back to the docs. Apart from being sick I am still feeling the same as when I had the h.pylori (I'm still on 20mg omeprazole every day) I'm getting bad wind pains - especially after eating, bad wind - burping and farting all the time , headaches, can only eat about half portions and I am extremely tired, like majorly fatigued all the time - this is prob the worst part.

Anyway I am convinced I still have h.pylori and after asking for a retest today - I know you cant get it whilst on omeprazole as you will get a false negative - they have changed me to Ranitidine and said I can come back in 2 - 2.5 weeks and get tested again and the ranitidine will not effect the test (a stool sample).

Can anyone tell me if this is correct? Will Ranitidine effect this test? If so then I would rather just stop taking lall meds until the test.

Thanks :)

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Re: Yet another h.pylori infectee

Post by Helico_expert »

Ranitidine does affect the breath/stool test. You need to fast at least over night. Check the guideline below.

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