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Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
The 5th Chinese Helicobacter treatment consensus
How long should I wait before doing follow up breath/stool test?

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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

What doctor to see??

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What doctor to see??

Post by joziecc »

I think this is what I could possibly have. My question is how do I get started? What doctor do I go to? Do I go to my family doctor and go from there?
A couple of weeks ago I was having horrible stomach pains, nausea, and I went to the ER, they did a cat scan, which showed my stomach was inflamed, but they were more concerned if the pain was coming from my gallbladder. Which it was not. I spent the night in the hospital, and my blood tests showed infection but got not real answer but in morning it was back to normal. I have had horrible bad breath for years. Lots of burping, and gas. I have heart burn also. I had sinus surgery 5 months ago and the doctor put a camera down my throat and noticed my throat was red saying I probably had an ulcer and put me on omeprazole. I am too embarrassed to mention my horrible breath, and all the time I chew gum. I have no social life because of it, no boyfriend or husband. Tired of people offering me gum, candy, or some people telling me I need to drink more water. Which no matter what I eat or drink the smell is always bad. When I drink water I have a metallic taste. SInce I was hospitalized I have been having chest pains. Please help me to tell me how to get started and what doctor I need to see.

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Re: What doctor to see??

Post by Helico_expert »

If you are suspecting that you have H. pylori, you can go to any GP and ask for a breath or blood test. If you are positive for H. pylori, we can start from there.

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Re: What doctor to see??

Post by SteveH »

Helico_expert wrote:If you are suspecting that you have H. pylori, you can go to any GP and ask for a breath or blood test. If you are positive for H. pylori, we can start from there.
Do you know if this is the procedure in the UK? I went to my GP and he said he could only put me in for a stool test (but it he was a stand in gp as my usual gp was off) - depending on my stool result would it be worth asking my usual GP if he can do a breath test or would my gastro need to do the breath test?

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Re: What doctor to see??

Post by Helico_expert »

a stool test is equally good as breath test. Just that breath test is a more preferable method for most patient.

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