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Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

My Story :New here as my upper stomach is totally screwed ..

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My Story :New here as my upper stomach is totally screwed ..

Post by HyPERRRRR »

So glad I found this group ..

Right 9 weeks ago I ate a very hot scorpion chill curry twice and the 2 days later my stomach was on fire and very stiff , previous to this I was eating ghost chilli curries once a week for a year as I love chilli and curry ..(Damn I miss them ) :D Anyway I visited my doctor and told him my symptoms and he said I have an inflamed gut lining from spicy foods not to my surprise and gave me PPI but I quit them after a day as felt awful on them ..

So I then decided to reduce acidity to help heal the gut lining via alkaline diet and vitamins like probiotics, aloe Vera , celery juice etc and I was actually feeling better but still the stiff stomach especially at night but then a I started to cheat and ate a Chinese curry and drink apple cider vinegar before hand and then a few days later my stomach was very angry again and since then I have been feeling very weak and tired and cold plus I can’t go running at the moment as my muscles are weak probably due to malnutrition probably due to poor absorption caused by gut inflammation.. also I think I’m anaemic as iron tablets helped with the weakness and cold hands but ironically recent blood tests showed normal ferritin levels but maybe the iron supplements gave a false reading and the only anti bodies showing were LGE (Allergies ) ? I also tried digestive enzymes (betaine hcl etc) after food yesterday and my stomach was very hot and felt angry afterwards so no more but strangely I felt much stronger and functional after the digestive enzymes but I don’t think my stomach lining can handle them ?

So this boils down to why I think I have H pylori or even SIBO causing the gut lining inflammation , I’m still waiting for my h pylori blood test as it’s tsking longer but I just received much pylori stool test kit from amazon which I’m going to try today ..I’m hoping it shows positive as the symptoms are really affecting my state of mind and causing a bit of anxiety as I also at first had irrational thoughts of possible stomach cancer which I doubt it would be..

Just reiterate my current symptoms and routine are

Tight band feeling of upper stomach
No pain
Muscle weakness
Cold hands
No nausea
Good appetite
Regular Bowel movements
Head fog
Weight loss ( Lost about 13 pounds in 9 weeks)

Diet and vitamins

500mg of Vit c a day
20 billion culture probiotics once a day
Aloe Vera juice and manuka 15 honey twice a day on empty stomach (Very good)
DGL liquorice twice a day (Very good but I think it makes me lightheaded )
Slippery elm and marshmallow root once a day (Very good)
Chicken stew ( Causes no issues )
Carrots and celery juice
Might add tumeric ?
Coconut water
Green tea ( Very good)
Camomile tea (Very good)
Fennel and nettles (Very good)

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Re: My Story :New here as my upper stomach is totally screwed ..

Post by Helico_expert »

it's not good to buy test kits from websites and do it at home.
most of these DIY home kit tends to give false positive result. because from the manufacturer's point of view, it's better to have a false positive than a false negative. So the accuracy is actually very low, especially operated by someone without experience.

anyway, let's wait for the blood test result. If it's positive, go to your doctor and ask for triple therapy. You can boost the triple therapy by taking additional bismuth tablet and double the PPI standard dose.

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