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Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
The 5th Chinese Helicobacter treatment consensus
How long should I wait before doing follow up breath/stool test?

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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

A Swedish patient

The cure of Hp usually requires antibiotics. Other things have been tried and have a weaker effect.

Moderators: barjammar, Toni, luci2010, Ondek-Expert, kkimura

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Re: A Swedish patient

Post by Helico_expert »

Dear Leila,

Sorry I had a very busy weekend and didnt reply your post. I think you should wait for the follow up test result and then decide what to do next. This is a very chronic infection and given the right treatment, the H. pylori will be removed. Perhaps you can have a word with your specialist about antibiotic sensitivity test. So your doctor will know exactly what antibiotics to give to kill the H. pylori off in the most efficient way.

Leila dabbaghi
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Re: A Swedish patient

Post by Leila dabbaghi »

I've talked with him, he is not specilaits except a surgeon. I have not been able to find any specilaist here who can. I did a gastroscopy but he did not catch it. He does not think to treat more even though i am still positive .I have already used all the antiobiotikan that this is recommended for the treatment of HP here( Metronidazol, Amoxicillin, Rifabutin, Doxyciklin, clacid, levo).I have so much pain at night that can not sleep.This has affected my whole life, i feel so depressed.
Thanks for replay!!!!!

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Re: A Swedish patient

Post by Helico_expert »

H. pylori will never get resistance to Amoxicillin and Bismuth. So you can always use PPI + Amox + Bismuth + one other antibiotic (for example Metronidazole).

There is study that suggest that double dose PPI can increase cure rate.

There is also study that increase dose of Metronidazole can sometimes revert sensitivity.

Leila dabbaghi
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Re: A Swedish patient

Post by Leila dabbaghi »

I do not want to take more antibiotics without knowing that it works, I've got a lot of side effects of each treatment.I felt really bad after each treatment.
Does any one know where to find a "Helicobacter Pylori Specialist" ?? Please, can any of the moderators advise on where to find Such specialists?
Thank you !!!

H.P porteur
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Re: A Swedish patient

Post by H.P porteur »

Leila Dabaghi,

You are wasting your time with these mass murder treatment. PLEASE, I BEG YOU to check for C.difficile infection. Taking PPI alone increases CONSIDERABLY THE CHANCE of getting C.difficile. So imagine the risk of taking 3 antibiotics plus PPI. Please, ask your doctor for a test. Your B12 levels also are lowered by PPI. That is why you feel more fatigued and no energy.

This H.pylori treatment seems to me like a depopulation therapy. The harshest antibiotic regime on the planet. Many people are left to suffer when these so called MDs cannot find a clue. Believe me, Humanity will know in the near future that these treatments were BARBARIC. Even native man in Africa, and the monkeys don't do that. Actually Chimpanzee have more sophisticated therapies with charcoal and kaolin than their stupid homo-sapien cousins.

Bacteria IS NOT STUPID. I mentioned in this forum many times that the best DOCTORS WHO TREAT ELITES don't believe in this bulls**t of infection anymore. Dr Bruno Donatini who is an MD and immunologist, oncologist, hepatologist and gastroenterologist bacteria has the advantage against us because it mutates quickly. Why? Because bacteria develops resistance QUICKLY. They have this advantage over stupid homo.sapiens. This is not a charlatan but a doctor with incredible knowledge of infections and he is an osteopath as well.

All these scientists HAVE no clue with many people with H.pylori has no symptoms at all.

Find a FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE DOCTOR or a Naturophatic doctor. The one who treats the body and does not throw at you a nice well packaged pharmaceutical cocktail after a 5 minutes visit and waits for the magic to happen. This won't work. Your body is a whole. You don't have just the stomach. This super-specialization is a pharmaceutical strategy to confuse patients so they will never find a light out of the tunnel of the disease.

Don't do surgery, you will regret it for your life. Many people took their colon when they had crohn's disease and thought they will get better from believing their charlatan surgeons. But they get sicker than before and weak. So don't be stupid and do surgery. My advice for you is to find a FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE doctor. These MDs who have functional medicine training are not SHY to use herbs, supplements, vitamins, minerals, chelation. They treat your whole body. They will check your hormones. Hormonal deficiency can cause many of your problems. Actually a hormone like cortisol governs your SigA that your intestinal and stomach lining produce. So do yourself a favor and FIRE THESE INCOMPETENT DOCTORS AND HIRE A FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE DOC. To give you an example how conventional medicine is a bullsh**t, for more than 3 decades they were lying to their patients that cholesterol is bad and should be avoided at any cost. Despite the fact that the heart cholesterol hypothesis was the biggest frauds of all. Yet, idiot cardiologists still believe cholesterol is bad. So you want to follow idiot MDs who don't even know the truth about a simple molecule like cholesterol or you want to follow a Functional medicine doctor who knows the body inside out and they treat the CAUSE not the symptoms? the choice is totally yours. I wish you good recovery.

Leila dabbaghi
Posts: 10
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Re: A Swedish patient

Post by Leila dabbaghi »

Thanks for the advice!
I do not believe to the functional medicine doctors that you do. I know that this bacterium causing my symptoms otherwise why i have not stomach pain during treatment with antibiotics. I believe that antibiotics can cure me but it's about knowing which one.I have a sister who also had a stomach pain for years and positive helicobacter. She became healthy after antibiotic treatment. She was lucky as the first treatment worked for her.

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Re: A Swedish patient

Post by Helico_expert »

Although antibiotics can cause a lot of trouble. But, it is still the most effective method in killing H. pylori. Strong evidence base.

Leila dabbaghi
Posts: 10
Joined: Tue Feb 02, 2016 11:51 pm

Re: A Swedish patient

Post by Leila dabbaghi »

hi helico_expert !
I just wonder why you would not recommend any specialidt there, is there any reason ?

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Re: A Swedish patient

Post by Helico_expert »

I dont know anyone in Sweden that has access to antibiotic sensitivity testing. Sweden is a very developed country and I would expect it wont be hard to find a specialist who has access to such laboratory.

Leila dabbaghi
Posts: 10
Joined: Tue Feb 02, 2016 11:51 pm

Re: A Swedish patient

Post by Leila dabbaghi »

Any specilaist in Australia?????
Thanks for advise!

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