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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

lots of antibiotics intake during life and hp eradication

The cure of Hp usually requires antibiotics. Other things have been tried and have a weaker effect.

Moderators: barjammar, Toni, luci2010, Ondek-Expert, kkimura

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lots of antibiotics intake during life and hp eradication

Post by lulluby63 »

I have one question that may sound weird but I keep on thinking about it and I feel concerned.
I have taken lots of antibiotics when I was a child, a teenager and on my adultwood (for different diseases such as angina, ear infection, teeth infection....). I have taken a lot of amoxicillin, clarithromicin, and more recently, metrodinazole and vancomycin to treat a clostridium infection I got in my intestines.
In this respect, does it diminish my chance of getting rid of my HP? My first treatment was a failure (clarithomycin amoxicillin and metrodinazole/ sequencial hptherapy) and even gave me a clostridium infection!
I mean, the fact that I had lots of antibiotics from my childwood, is it possible that because of this, my hp will be resistant ? Does it reduce my chance of getting rid of hp more than a person who had taken few antibiotics in the past?
Hope You will understand sorry for my bad english.

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Re: lots of antibiotics intake during life and hp eradicatio

Post by power1 »


I cannot accurately say what i think because I am not a scientist nor a medical advisor.
I have taken vast amount of antibiotics like you in my past 20+ years, and recently azithromycin for even small sore throats and cough issues.
I was never aware of doctors abusing them until I caught Hpylori.

So, along with Hpylori now, I have taken alot more into my "collection", with no idea, if eradication works or not?.

On a short note, I hate 3 different treatment courses.

Levofloaxcin - failed ( supposedly a better eradication rate in my country )
Quadruple- Metro, Tetra- no idea...could be failed ( retest after 9 months, I was still positive since the initial negative result ).
Claritho ( which is a family of Azithro)- currently negative, and pending to retake another UBT next week.

IF you did a Hpylori bacteria sensitivity test or your country have these would narrow down the randomness therapy you need to do.
Sadly, I do not have these in my country, and the gastro resorts to his/her own experience and current eradication tables.

Hope this helps in a way.

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Re: lots of antibiotics intake during life and hp eradicatio

Post by lulluby63 »

Thanks for your answer Power1.

What is your opinion helico expert?

I also keep on thinking that because I have taken vancomycin for a long time before achieving to eradicate clostridium, HP will be resistant to anything (because vancomycin is a very strong antibiotic!)I feel really anxious.

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Re: lots of antibiotics intake during life and hp eradicatio

Post by bertol »

Vancomycin is actually used to treat MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus). So, if you were actually resistant to antibiotics, vancomycin would be one of the first antibiotics they would prescribe you, anyway.

Your antibiotic regime will work or not. Only if it does not work, you may discuss with your doctor about possible antibiotic resistance. Also, they are tests to check for resistance in individual cases. I know they do it for staph infection, at least.

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Re: lots of antibiotics intake during life and hp eradicatio

Post by Helico_expert »

H. pylori is naturally resistant to vancomycin. The molecule is too big to get into H. pylori, as what i read somewhere.

anyway, it is very possible that you have a resistant strain as you had clarithromycin and metronidazole before. Like Power1 said, you'll need a bacteria culture antibiotic sensitivity test to find out exactly what is the best treatment for you. In your current or next treatment, perhaps you can consider discussing with your doctor about adding bismuth in your treatment. H. pylori can never become resistant to amoxicillin and bismuth.

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Re: lots of antibiotics intake during life and hp eradicatio

Post by lulluby63 »

thanks very much helico expert!

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Re: lots of antibiotics intake during life and hp eradicatio

Post by michaeljonson »

It is not necessary that the condition is caused due to the antibiotics.
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