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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

H-Pylori and GI symptoms- 18 months of suffering

The cure of Hp usually requires antibiotics. Other things have been tried and have a weaker effect.

Moderators: barjammar, Toni, luci2010, Ondek-Expert, kkimura

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Re: H-Pylori and GI symptoms- 18 months of suffering

Post by lev30ro »

Hello Helico_expert,

My breath test came back Positive.
I just started a new treatment, different, with Amoxi+Claritro for the next 14 days.
At this time I will take the treatment after meals (not before meals as I did at my first treatment).

If you have any other suggestions regarding the treatment please let me know.



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Re: H-Pylori and GI symptoms- 18 months of suffering

Post by Helico_expert »

Hi Levi,

that is a good treatment. however, you can try add some pepto bismol in your treatment to boost the cure rate.

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Re: H-Pylori and GI symptoms- 18 months of suffering

Post by HpylroiHelpDesk »

Depending on what exactly is happening, you should consider an alternative treatment I am pro alternative and its help and aided a few persons in my hpylori help desk group and page via Facebook. I suggest purchasing florastor a power probiotic, grapefruit seed extract and l-glutamine speak with you physician before trying any of this.

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Re: H-Pylori and GI symptoms- 18 months of suffering

Post by power1 »

Hi lev30ro,

Just to share with you my battle over 2.5 years, and I believe still ongoing at some point.
It is both a stressful, annoying and filled with multi levels of anxiety....

I have gone through 3 therapy. All powerful antibiotics...and not the ones you are currently prescribed.

Weight lost of 10-12kg for me was huge, since I was already a thin frame person. I always thought I was the odd one, when most people mention they had weight gain.
The other symptom you experience hits the same spot as I do....and it was no fun...
I was prescribed with "anxiety" meds as well...

Gone through colonscopy, endoscopy...etc.

I desperately search the Net for options from antibiotics...and that is what most 70% of the people do, when they fail the first therapy.

My 2nd therapy was the same as the 1st, with DOUBLE the antibiotics and PPI.
I am going to say....some people tolerate them, while some... had an aftermath.
I had a different outake... I became constipated...Which did not make sense to my gastro doc.
So, I started "shopping" for gastro doctors for 2nd and 3rd opinions.

Long story to short... I did a double breathe test ( which takes breathe test sample on each 10minutes), instead of the single 20 minutes in March this year.
And I got a "negative". I am not sure if it was a "negative" as i still experience some lighter version of my earlier symptoms. ( it is not 6 months since the test, and around 18 months since my last antibiotics)

I gain 5 kg back, and has stayed there every since. I have plans to get myself tested again later perhaps end of the year.

I take 30 billion CFU probiotics on/off regime, but those are for the colon. Probiotics don't "swim" in your stomach, I never know probiotics actually "helps" in H.pylori eradication.

Vit C does not eradicate as well.

For the simple minded person understand...
The thing I know about H.pylori has a thin film of protection that allows it to swim, and burrow into our stomach lining.
Without disrupting this thin film layer, the bacteria is immune.
The PPI and Bismuth makes it think it is "safe" to not create this layer...while the antibiotic acts on it.
There are a few minerals that disrupts this thin film layer....

a) Zinc
b) Lauric acid that is found in Virgin Coconut Oil.

might be more.....
I guess to cure of the battle is to understand it's inhabitant nature.

Our current abuse of antibiotics has brought us harder to battle nature's changes. It is a fact. All doctors knows this, but that is what sells and funds research. What is requires "quick" result, and as such....natural ingredient in medicines are usually not the viable selected choice.
If a banana cures your constipation, why do we need to eat Miralax?.

I wish you the very best and speedy recovery on your H.pylori battle.

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Re: H-Pylori and GI symptoms- 18 months of suffering

Post by Helico_expert »

thanks for sharing your story. Let me tell you my version of H. pylori story.

H. pylori dont have this thin layer of protection. However, it is able to swim through the mucus layer and live happily underneath. the mucus layer is secreted from the stomach cells to protect the acid from digesting the stomach. underneath the mucus layer, the pH is 7. Ideal for H. pylori to survive undisturbed. All the natural ingredients that normally kill H. pylori never get a chance to go pass the mucus layer as it is too thick.

antibiotic on the other hand, get absorbed into the blood stream and attack H. pylori from behind enemy line. How bismuth kill H. pylori is unknown, but it is hypothesized that H. pylori needs iron and it pick up bismuth by mistake and killed it.

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Re: H-Pylori and GI symptoms- 18 months of suffering

Post by power1 »

Thank you sir and now I become more aware and educated. :)

I got back to look for the word...and it is "biofilm". A simple google and the result would appear.

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Re: H-Pylori and GI symptoms- 18 months of suffering

Post by lev30ro »

Hi everyone,

I am still on the battle after my 3rd treatment with antibiotics. I am taking alternative treatment as well ( garlic , grapefruit seed extract and more.
In 2 weeks I will repeat the test again.

I'll let you know,


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Re: H-Pylori and GI symptoms- 18 months of suffering

Post by Helico_expert »

Thank you for keeping us updated. We need information like that.

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