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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

How long before my nausea will go away?

The cure of Hp usually requires antibiotics. Other things have been tried and have a weaker effect.

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Jenny Wren
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Re: How long before my nausea will go away?

Post by Jenny Wren »

Thank you helico_expert. I thought it could be related.

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Re: How long before my nausea will go away?

Post by dioxnet »

pardon my English, I also
nausea nausea just started, I'm also nervous stomach, ill just say that my daughter Escherichia coli x fault, I was going to the toilet more times .... she's like me getting shot in the stomach, any problem
nothing today, no symptoms, no burning, no nausea, no swelling or anything
and ate the same as yesterday, one thing my omeprazole me nauseous
and nausea are very slow ... but very slow going, say like 3 months
nerves and more: (

edit:also the same as you, I can eat 2 Taboon bread (durum kebab)
and feel good all day, however as rice and turkey and 2 hours, nausea
and others ....

perdon mi ingles, yo tambien
empece con nauseas solo nauseas, tambien soy nervioso de estomago, solo dire que mi hija enfermo x culpa de Escherichia coli, yo iba mas veces al lavabo que ella.... es como si me pegaran un tiro en el estomago, cualquier problema
hoy mismo nada, ningun sintoma, no ardores, no nauseas, no hinchazon ni nada
y comi lo mismo que ayer, una cosa a mi el omeprazol me producia nauseas
y las nauseas son muy lentas... pero muy lentas de irse, digamos como 3 meses
y con nervios mas :(

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Re: How long before my nausea will go away?

Post by hanns »

i had the same issue. if i had activity or adrenalin burning activity i was fine, but settling on the sofa and relaxing the nausea came.
my doctor gave me paspertin and it went away. it seems if stress gets chronic and settles on various body parts, and in our case on the digestion tract,
your body produces to much dopamine (i always thought it had just good effects), which the brain counters with nausea.
i don't think therapy or meditation helps there, its more breaking the chemical cycle ( i am fine now without meds). obviously once you out of the chemical cycle, its good to regroup your lifestyle, what brought you there in the first place. i had the same thing like you, my second kids birth got me somehow out of balance, even i loved the event.
when you take this meds, you will see how your stomach and somehow the area under the solar plexus relaxes, its a pleasant sensation not unlike you go to a good acupuncture therapist, treating your tension there. as the med is not affecting your mental state like psych drugs and so on, its much better for active people to go this route.
a good test for you is this. when your nausea settles in, try to give yourself a massage by knocking on it with the hand to soften, warm the area (under and on solar plexus). if you feel better with reduced tension, its a sign to go this route.
the other test (its really just a rough idea, unfortunately its so hard to be certain) is go for a 30 min run. if u feel an hour good afterwards, i would assume you have stress chemical issues gripping your vegetive nerve system. if you feel bad in stomach and you get digestive issues, i would say your stomach linen is more the issue now, it hates movement if its scarred over hb or general not well.
it sounds a little too simple, but i really think after dealing with this for 9m, this is first good guideline.
last, i wanted to let you know about food and stress. i noticed with me, if i eat any refined sugar products, (and man, there is too many), you get obviously a spike in your blood sugar and a push. i always got nausea afterwards, and i understand now its the physical push my system didn't like,it seems to interpret it like a stress event. try maybe to live without sugar for a while (eat lots of fruits like grapes and sweeteners). i think you will benefit ( it feels weird for the first days, like withdrawal symptoms). but if your body is in this state, sugar is like your kryptonite.
good luck, hope it helps.

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Re: How long before my nausea will go away?

Post by lismclaren »

i have to correct you, in fact meditation will certainly help, it helped me and if your new to it then perhaps you could read this How to meditate properly

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Re: How long before my nausea will go away?

Post by Slomo4 »


Hi all! I stumbled upon this thread of mine after googling my email address, and thought it somewhat appropriate to post an update on what's been going on.

The long and the short of it is, my nausea was completely related to stress. After "borderline" h pylori tests, negative gluten/fructose tests, and finally, an endoscopy to peek at my stomach, there was basically nothing amiss. Everything looked healthy. This gamut of tests took from about November to February or so. In late December I sought out a therapist, because I just had a feeling that the verdict might go in that direction.

It took MONTHS, and it's still an ongoing process, but I was able to reduce the almost constant nausea down to maybe one or two slight appearances every couple weeks.

I'm very glad I was able to gather information on this forum, and I was just trying to add to the knowledge and personal experience that is on here. If you have regular nausea and there doesn't seem to be a simple medical reason for it, start looking within. If needed, you can still see the necessary doctors while you tackle things from the psychosomatic angle at the same time.

TIP: If you're the type of person who has personally researched and scoured the internet in search of the reasons behind your nausea, and found a message board about H Pylori and begun posting on it, you are probably like me, and have anxiety issues. Seek help.
I'm not saying that H Pylori is not a serious and common issue, but there are lots of reasons for nausea.

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Re: How long before my nausea will go away?

Post by Helico_expert »

thanks for the update!

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Re: How long before my nausea will go away?

Post by webtoy100 »

As a former participant in this thread, I thought I should add my comments as well.

I agree 100% with what Schlomo has said. I thought that HP and gastritis was my problem, and as coincidence has it, I did prove HP positive. Having got that verdict, I took the therapy and felt better, and took a few days off.

But then I went back into a highly stressful work situation and guess what: the nausea came back. By now, i knew i was HP negative. After going through endless tests (all indicating NFA), a sympathetic GI doc referred my to a psychiatrist friend. He put me on a medicine called Pregabalin, which is used for many things, including anxiety. I felt better within 24 hours...

So as Schlomo said, if you are googling and trying to find a cure for constant, unexplained nausea, there are very good chances are it's mental. Make changes to your life and destress, if you can, and seek therapy and medication if needed.

I would also like to thank Dr Marshall, Helico expert and colleagues for this excellent and very helpful website.


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Re: How long before my nausea will go away?

Post by Helico_expert »

thank you for sharing your view as well.

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Re: How long before my nausea will go away?

Post by thestefster »

I finished treatment 7 days ago. First few days after coming off I felt pretty average. Now I have slight nausea and lots of stomach noise and grumbling from time to time. Symptoms come and go, with the nausea at its worse when I start getting hungry. From what I have read, and talking to my GP a few days ago, everyone deals with the aftermath differently and it can take some time to get over the symptoms.

You're not alone ;-)

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Joined: Fri Jun 19, 2015 3:23 am

Re: How long before my nausea will go away?

Post by ak343 »

I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one there with the exact same symptom. It's been 2 months since I had H paylori and I just finished the treatment day 10 now. My doctor told me that the cause can be from the medication and I have to stop ozomprazole which I have just done to see if I'll get any nausea tomorrow. But I have also been told that I may have developed ibs as my case with h paylori was severe and already been to the emergency 3 times after the treatment and the cause was dehydration. I'll see how it goes tomorrow without ozomprazole and I'll update if it's due to IBS until I make sure that i actually have it ...

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