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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Allergies Helicobacter

The cure of Hp usually requires antibiotics. Other things have been tried and have a weaker effect.

Moderators: barjammar, Toni, luci2010, Ondek-Expert, kkimura

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Allergies Helicobacter

Post by sl88er »


I have posted before that in my case eradication of HP was really difficult, and I know that I'm still left with some very mild gastritis... As Im from nature very inquisitive I have check for allergies ... and found that my IgE was very elevated 280 iU/L with norm under 100 iU/L... Hier is works about allergies and HP infection

they make conclusion that HP infection can be consequenve of allergy, people with allergies get HP more easily... and HP can elevate that allergy response

On the other side prof. Romanski (I know only about some not publisched presentation) think that allergy can be a conseqence of HP (impaired digestion, hypochlohydria and so on), but also can be the secondary think to allergy and can deepen existing allergy and inflamation

here is some link

generally not all infected people have elevated IgE titers... there is some question what was first egg or chicken... :geek: or whatever it can be said in english

Maybe some trial with elimination diet with antibiotics can provide better eradication in helicobacter infected paptient who suffer as well from allergies... something like 1-2 month on diet without allergens and later eradication treatment... I will be not suprise when that approach can elimnate both allergies and HP... I was trying eliminate only HP , but maybe it was only partial solution, therefore it was so so difficult...

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Re: Allergies Helicobacter

Post by Helico_expert »

It's interesting, but it's a topic I cannot help. You are right about IgE being a very complex field. I dont think anyone truly understand how H. pylori is associated with IgE. There are some suggestions that PPI induce food allergy, but the evidence is weak.

Nevertheless, H. pylori is just one main factor of gastritis. There are many other factors for gastritis. We like to assume it is H. pylori because that is what we know the most and there are many regimens to treat it. Other non-H. pylori gastritis are less known and will be harder to treat.

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Re: Allergies Helicobacter

Post by sl88er »

Honestly say I don't mind any expensive complicated sophisticated experiments... to understand quite well that connetion beetwen that two things... but some checking of IgE status of people who failed antibiotics treatment... there is always something like 10-20% which remain infected... i dont seen any reserach like that althought it seems very reasonable to make make that...

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Re: Allergies Helicobacter

Post by Helico_expert »

There are some studies relate to this topic, but no there is no hard evidence. I found this paper from Turkey.. ... lammation-

In summary of the discussion,
Results from a community-based sample of young adults showed no evidence that H. pylori infection was associated with lower levels of IgE sensitization.
An association between H. pylori antibodies and food allergy presenting as atopic dermatitis has been reported.
The hypothesis that the easy transition of food allergens ends in allergic inflammation has not been confirmed in all studies.

From the references, you can see other studies that relate to this topic.

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Re: Allergies Helicobacter

Post by barjammar »

Just a quick clarification here:
It is normal that "mild chronic gastritis" persists in the stomach for several years after H.pylori treatment. This means that some lymphocytes hang around in the mucosa, but might be "sleeping" although ready to fight if a new infection appears. They don't cause any trouble.
Apart from Helicobacter, mild forms of gastritis can be seen in 10% of people - but the causes are unknown. We see it in normal volunteers taking part in our research studies. It is harmless as far as I can tell.
Check the link below for information on hard-to-treat cases. Then search the forums for questions and answers similar to yours.

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