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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Negative Stool&Biopsy no what

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Negative Stool&Biopsy no what

Post by Rissa »

my BF got Hep A in Jan. starting March he started having different issues severe fatigue, "bubbling"in his stomach weird feeling in his eyes legs get rubbery. no rhythm or reason he says
when he was in ER they gave him a "cocktail" which calmed his stomach right down. ER dr. said classic symptoms of H Pylori and the cocktail working backs that up. So his GP ran test. No more Hep A liver is fully recovered. Lyme Negative. Hyplori Stool Negative had upper endoscopy red and inflamed stomach lining but biopsy came back Hyplori Negative.(mind you he was on a PPI and was not asked to go off of it or anything)
fast forward to July. still has all the symptoms his GP said even though his 2 test were negative she would treat him for H Pylori
???? thoughts. Concerns. Suggestion. Help.
he is an active 50yr old 6'1 205lbs. very healthy no issues what so ever until he got Hep A in Jan.

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Re: Negative Stool&Biopsy no what

Post by Helico_expert »

i wouldnt recommend any antibiotics until i know if there is H. pylori. So a retest is necessary. The previous tests could be false negative as he was on PPI.

Nevertheless, sounds like his endoscopy check didnt find anything bad. So dont worry. sometimes, it's just taking longer to heal.

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Re: Negative Stool&Biopsy no what

Post by Rissa »

His GP is having him stop PPI for 2 weeks and will re do the Stool test.
we shall see.
how contagious is H.Pylori if he has it?
I was tested for the HEp A when he had it I was negative and I went ahead and got the Hep A vaccination.
I have stomach issues of my own. been on PPI of some sort since my teens. I had my galbladder out 2 months ago other than that i'm a athletic healthy 46yr old female.
it seems like his nightmare starting with the HEp A is never going to end.

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Re: Negative Stool&Biopsy no what

Post by Helico_expert »

H. pylori is not very contagious when basic hygiene is practiced. eg. brushing teeth, hand washing, no sharing food.

Kissing is a risk, but I have also since many married couples not passing HP to the partner. I believe if the oral hygiene is maintained, then it is actually very difficult for H. pylori to transmit.

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