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Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
The 5th Chinese Helicobacter treatment consensus
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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Severe Headaches, shitty feeling, lots of pain. anyone else?

The various unpleasant manifestations of Helicobacter can be described here. Remember however that the great majority of persons with Hp have no symptoms that they are aware of and consider themselves normal.

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Severe Headaches, shitty feeling, lots of pain. anyone else?

Post by magic_mike »

Dear all,
may I present my case to you. It has been puzzling me for so long I don't even really know where or how to start... anyways, it all starts about two years ago. I had finally gotten my shit together, did some sport, ate healthy, and lost 60lbs (210->150). Man, that felt good! I also tried some weird diets like low-carb and gluten free to get there. This is when I developed problems. I originally put it off as being part of the low-carb thing, never thought much about it. But now, I would feel very weak often, and started going to unitversity less and less until I eventually decided not to go at all anymore. I just couldn't do it. I didn't feel right.

My solution was to work my ass off the rest of the semester, move to a different city, and try it again. Here I am. Still feeling shit. But this time, if I don't solve it, I don't know what to do with myself. In the meantime, I have also developed depression and was feeling much more shitty than ever before.

So, I tried some things. Vitamin D helped really well against the depression (win!). However, my main symptom is still there. I don't really know how to put it in words. Basically, my stomach is killing me. But it's not like the pain is localised there: I get intense headaches, my muscles hurt. I can't think. I have also noticed that my breath and urine smell funny, and sometimes in the morning I have this intense bacteria-fungus-whatever taste. I can't sleep well, which probably causes 90% of my problems. I can only describe it as being "like an infection", because I feel sick in a similar general way, without it getting (much) better.

I'm trying to juggle university, working, and making new friends, but I can't do it like this. The pains are unpredictable, come and go apparently randomly. I don't seem to react to one kind of food over another. But it is linked to eating somehow. I try to drink as much as I can.

Alcohol is a bit of a strange thing for me. Sometimes, after drinking alcohol, I have to spend the next couple of days with pains I don't even want to try to remember. On other times, alcohol seems to even help somehow, especially when I take a PPI just before going to bed. I don't know what's going on, might have to do with the disinfecting properties of alcohol.

My doctor is prescribing me a PPI, which is an odd thing. It works in general, but I feel strange when I take it, and I've had adverse reactions (like feeling extremely dizzy and sick) that I attribute to it. I am also having an endoscopy in two weeks. It was actually scheduled later but I called them randomly when I was having bad pain and told them I can't wait that long. They re-scheduled it :)

The doctor at the gastro clinic where I have my endoscopy in two weeks — a really old, funny dude — told me he thinks it's probably Helicobacter pylori, especially since I lived in Asia for a couple of years. I have done some research, but I can't seem to find much information about the typical symptoms. I will know for sure in two weeks, but it would make a lot of sense, seeing that I have had all this stomach trouble, but I haven't once had diarrhoea, which Helicobacter seems to inhibit (it doesn't want to get flushed down). Also, alcohol making my situation much worse or much better temporarily also supports the thesis that it could be an infection, since alcohol weakens the immune system but also disinfects.

I've also heard of a case from Turkey where Helicobacter and Candida were working in some kind of synergy. Since I also found an article that Candida, if found in the stomach, can also be found in the blood, I had the hypothesis that that might explain my headaches and that Candida is weakening my immune system somehow. I dunno, I don't know shit about medicine. These are all just random-ass hypotheses created while being in a lot of pain and desperately scraping google for anything of interest.

Anyways, what do you guys think. Does it sound like a case of Helicobacter to you, from the symptoms? Does anyone have similar experiences? Does anyone have a tip on how I can get better? I already thought about nuking my stomach, which sounded like a good idea while I was in pain but might in fact make matters worse :D

Cheers, Mike

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Re: Severe Headaches, shitty feeling, lots of pain. anyone e

Post by Helico_expert »

Helicobacter pylori is associated to many symptoms. what you mentioned is just part of it. Unfortunately everyone is slightly different and present different symptoms. You'll be surprise, to most people, H. pylori stays in them without any problem.

For your case, it is best find out if you are infected with H. pylori by doing a simple breath test. However, you'll need to stop PPI for at least 2 weeks before that test.

Some studies suggest that Candida and H. pylori may live together helping each other. But, that doesnt mean you'll get different treatment.

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Re: Severe Headaches, shitty feeling, lots of pain. anyone e

Post by Sudhi123 »

Yes,i used to have such an ailment years back.I neglected it but later my pathologist suggest me a full body checkup and i admitted it.Today there are many such labs which save your time by picking required samples for checkup like

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Re: Severe Headaches, shitty feeling, lots of pain. anyone e

Post by Gwidow »

New to the forum thing but think my story is worth telling. I just turned 50. Was very thin until I hit 40 then started putting on weight. Went to Dr. Who said you are 40 what do you expect. Yes I changed Dr's. Have had many symptoms of H Pylori but didn't know they were connected. Sinus issues, ear infections, cysts on my face called hormonal acne, bloating, constipation, pelvic prolapse, miscarriages (4). Those are the top issues anyway. Forgot Broncitous.! Anyway went to ER on March 3rd with heart attach symptoms. Admitted me and ruled out heart. Then they focused on gastric issues. Finally got a scope of upper GI and no surprise I had issues. The big thing is they did a stomach biopsy. It came back pos for H Pylori. Had never heard of it before. Started on the meds and it is slow going. I can swallow better now but do not sleep well. Can't eat much at a time still have pain after I eat. My Gastro Dr. Said I have probably had it @ 40 years based on when my issues started. Now getting my family tested. My youngest is in college and she just told me it isn't possible to have H Pylori for 40 years because her teacher said so. Has anyone else had it a very long time? Based on how you get it I believe my Dr. Anyone else been told by a Dr. You probably got it as a child?

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Re: Severe Headaches, shitty feeling, lots of pain. anyone e

Post by Gwidow »

To Magic Mike,

My Gastro Dr. Told me the headaches were caused by stomach gas and acid back flowing into my sinuses when I laid down. Can cause sinus infections, lung infections, ear infections, and much worse. I actually had all the above plus more.

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Re: Severe Headaches, shitty feeling, lots of pain. anyone e

Post by Helico_expert »

hi Gwidow,

Yes, normally people catch H. pylori when they are young and you can carry it for more than 40 years with or without symptoms.

So how's your treatment for H. pylori so far?

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Re: Severe Headaches, shitty feeling, lots of pain. anyone e

Post by michaeljonson »

Has your doctor prescribed any other medication?
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