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Some useful guides
How to post in the forum?
Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
The 5th Chinese Helicobacter treatment consensus
How long should I wait before doing follow up breath/stool test?

If you are confirmed with H. pylori, in your convenient time, please help us with the symptoms survey that you are experiencing.
Symptoms survey
(contributed by frostyfeet)

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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5


The various unpleasant manifestations of Helicobacter can be described here. Remember however that the great majority of persons with Hp have no symptoms that they are aware of and consider themselves normal.

Moderators: barjammar, Toni

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Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2015 4:54 pm


Post by Grappler »

Does anyone with h. pylori/ gastritis notice that they feel an uncontrollable gag reflex when under exertion, such as intense exercise, or after eating crappy foods? The feeling seems to build up during strenuous exercises such as sprinting, wrestling, and things that cause a combination of exertion while getting winded such as squats and sit ups. It can't be identified where the reflex is being triggered, it just sort of happens, like it comes up from the stomach into the throat but I don't physically feel anything there, you just heave if you don't stop. Sometimes can exercise and it not happen, other times it happens rather quickly, but is extremely frustrating. Also, after eating sugarery or greasy foods, I feel like I'm going to gag if I move too much, and the throat can be very sensitive to the touch on the outside of the neck, this gets better after the food digest. If anyone else experiences symptoms such as these or did experience them and they went away after getting h. pylori under control, I'd appreciate hearing about it. Thanks.

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Re: Gagging

Post by neuroglia »

I often have gagging episodes, primarily in the morning.

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Re: Gagging

Post by Helico_expert »

it or may not be H. pylori related. I know friends who are free of H. pylori, also get this gagging experience. Nevertheless, if you are tested positive with H. pylori, no harm trying to eradicate it and see if it improves your problem.

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