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Some useful guides
How to post in the forum?
Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
The 5th Chinese Helicobacter treatment consensus
How long should I wait before doing follow up breath/stool test?

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Symptoms survey
(contributed by frostyfeet)

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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

I ask an opinion, please

The various unpleasant manifestations of Helicobacter can be described here. Remember however that the great majority of persons with Hp have no symptoms that they are aware of and consider themselves normal.

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I ask an opinion, please

Post by dioxnet »

Hi, I'm a mess, I did in March the breath test came out negative
7 months from the first symptom, and taking an L. reuteri Lactobacillus, which has been shown to lower the viral load, and I remember to take an even bismuth weeks ago, I think that was negative apart I notice that my body is faster
when I take something quickly evacuated ..... (I am marathon runner)

10 days ago endoscopy, and a sample test for urease and negative ....
I let ipb 18 days before, but ... hehe but had been taking lemongrass
x number of months, and also L. reuteri Lactobacillus no study in Japan, they say eliminates hp (lemongrass) I think that's why my negative

people are from, but in us, with the details of my endoscopy
erosive gastritis and duodenitis, begin treatment

if not get a clear analytical ..... if removed the bacteria almost six months ago I started the lemongrass, the same analytical goes negative
or begin treatment on my own (with doctor)

data, when I leave ipb, this time I had heartburn, but it was not that rare thing
I had before, fasting ..... now was when he ate .... also marched belching and gas and bowel sounds, stool were more consistent

I am analytical, to know whether I had infection, it is late past eight months
may have removed the HP

2 negative light onto the doubt, but there are things that could hinder accuracy
apart, with the results

I read 9 doctoral theses people online
about 2000 pages

I already told you, person, does not drink, does not smoke, eat pretty good athlete
not aines, aspirin and derivatives not
and from one day to another this happens .............

español x si alguien
Hola, estoy hecho un lío, yo en marzo hice la prueba aliento, salio negativa
7 meses desde el primer sintoma, y tomando un lactobacilo L.Reuteri, que ha demostrado bajar la viremia, y creo recordar que tome bismuto una par semanas atras, creo que eso fue el negativo, aparte yo noto que mi cuerpo es mas rapido
cuando tomo algo, evacuo rapido..... (soy corredor maraton)

hace 10 dias endoscopia, y una sola muestra para test ureasa y negativo....
yo deje ipb 18 dias antes, pero... jeje pero, habia estado tomando lemongrass
x varios meses, y tambien lactobacilo L.reuteri hay estudio en japon, que dicen que elimina hp, (lemongrass) creo que es por eso mi negativo, aparte se sube arriba del estomago cuando es atacado el HP

se de gente, en eeuu, que con los datos de mi endoscopia,
duodenitis erosiva y gastritis, empiezan tratamiento

no se si hacerme una analitica..... claro que si eliminado la bacteria hace casi 6 meses que empece el lemongrass, lo mismo analitica sale negativo
o comenzar tratamiento por mi cuenta (con medico)

datos, yo cuando deje ipb, esta vez tuve acidez, pero ya no era esa cosa rara
que tenia antes, ayunas..... ahora era cuando comia.... tambien marcharon los eructos y gases y ruidos intestinales, las heces fueron mas consistentes

me hago analitica, para saber si tengo o tuve infeccion, es tarde pasados 8 meses
pudiendo haber eliminado el HP

claro 2 negativos saltan la duda, pero hay cosas que podrian dificultar la veracidad
resultados y los sintomas.... de antes, gases, eructos, hinchazon, motilidad disminuida, heces blandas, olfato desarrolado(curioso esto) duodenitis erosiva parcheada, ;) gastritis activa si esto no es HP, ya me explicara que es........
otra curiosidad, ya le dije que no enfermaba, pero cuando note mejoria, lo primero que coji fue resfriado y ahora mismo tengo otro.......

yo he leido 9 tesis doctorales de gente por internet
unas 2000 paginas

yo ya le dije, persona, no bebe, no fuma, come bastante bien, deportista
no aines, no aspirina y derivados
y de un dia para otro pasa esto.............

gracias por su ayuda que pesado que soy :D

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Re: I ask an opinion, please

Post by Helico_expert »

You consistently getting negative results are interesting. You may consider getting a blood test. I know it's generally not a good idea to do a blood test after your treatment. A positive blood result is meaningless. But, if you are get a negative result from blood, that means you are H. pylori free.

If you are H. pylori free, then you probably need to do other test to find out what's giving your gastritis. Maybe there is some food that you are allergic to? What did your specialist advise you after seeing all these negative results?

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Re: I ask an opinion, please

Post by Marinrana »

You do know that it's real. Where you get the information from it.

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Joined: Tue May 28, 2013 2:05 am

Re: I ask an opinion, please

Post by militaryman »

Hi there,

Try Mastic Gum. You can get it from a health shop. I was on antibiotics (2 sets) and i just felt i wasn't 100 clear so i did a month of Mastic Gum and i felt it working right away. Good luck!!

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Re: I ask an opinion, please

Post by Helico_expert »

just want to comment on mastic gum. It'll probably treat the symptom. But it doesnt kill H. pylori.

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